90-95° cpu temp Nitro AN515-52

MYSTRYLUCK Member Posts: 11


edited April 2022 in Nitro Gaming
Hello, I bought this device about three years ago, with i7-8750h and gtx 1060 6gb,
 and I rarely used it, but when I try to use it or play a game on it like GTA V or God Of War,
 the temperature reaches 95 on the lowest graphics settings, I tried to put a cooling pad and tried to change the thermal paste But none of them worked, but the type of thermal paste I used was cheap, but I don’t know if the problem was with it, and the temperature of the graphics card reaches 90 or 93, and when I don’t wake up to run any program, the temperature of the processor is 60-64.
I wish any help, And thanks 😊 



  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru

    If your CPU briefly just so happens to hit 95°, it isn't going to cause catastrophic failure, but if it is around 95° frequently or for long periods of time, this is very, very bad. 85° should be the limit, and you really should not go above that.
