Need HELP troubleshooting with touchpad (PH315-51

Al48 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited April 2022 in Predator Laptops
Hey, guys. Recently my touchpad went out on my Predator (PH315-51) to the point where I had to mash the touchpad button to make it do anything. So I broke down a bought a new touchpad to replace it. I've built gaming PCs before, so I know what I'm doing there, however after replacing the pad, it doesn't work PERIODE. I took it to the GeekSquad who looked over it for about 30-45 minutes and couldn't resolve the issue. I've spent hours installing different drivers (including the drivers here on the Acer site, of which are the only ones my machine WON'T install because "tHey'Re thE wRonG drivers for my machine" which is BS). I've tried all the other "eAsY 1-2-3 sTeps" the internet says, but still nothing. I even paid for DriverFix which said "driver needed updating", while Device manager said it was all up to date. Frankly I'm tired of wasting time; my PC is my work and I need to get this fixed. Otherwise, I'll just have to put the old touchpad on and pray that it works. I feel that I can't be the only one to have this issue and I KNOW that someone out there has fixed this issue before, (otherwise they wouldn't sell replacement parts). What step am I missing? Any help at all would be much appreciated. 

(Thread was edited to add model name to the title)


  • Jeyam
    Jeyam Member Posts: 348 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Hi @ Al48 

    1. Is more than the touchpad frozen?
    2. Make sure the touchpad isn't disabled by a function key.
    3. Check to see if another accessory has disabled the touchpad.
    4. Enable the touchpad in settings.
    5. Update your drivers.

    What happens when you press fn+f7 and only f7?

  • Al48
    Al48 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi, @Jeyam
    Thanks for the answer.
    Yes, I've tried most of these. 
    To answer number 1, no, it is only the touchpad.
    To answer number 3, I'm currently using a logitech bluetooth keyboard, but without it, the PC doesn't even register having a touchpad. (I unplug the logitech and the cursor just vanishes). I can activate "mouse keys" which brings the cursor back, but it isn't helpful.
    There are no touchpad settings anywhere, not under settings or mouse settings. 
    It does occasionally show up under Device Manager, but has a yellow warning badge. Can't update drives because it says they're up to date.