What's the difference between Nitro XV272U KVbmiiprzx and XV272U Pbmiiprzx?

Legion95 Member Posts: 1 New User
I found some really good reviews about the KV model, but sadly only P model is available in Hungary. I tried to fingure out if they have any difference and found some contradictory informations about the P model. I have been informed that they have two different panels. A comment from a user: “XV272U P series uses the same panel that was in the Nitro VG271UP Pbmiipx which had an abysmal Rtings rating partly due among the worst backlight bleeds/black uniformity they have ever measured on a monitor.”

All I can see that KV has IPS while P has AAS IPS panel. P is M270KCJ-K7B, while KV is M270KCJ-K7E AAS. Is it possible it makes such a huge difference? It’s getting more confusing when I check displayspecifications.com. It says P model has a nice 350 cd/m2 brightness and KV has 200(tho it has peak brightness 400). Lastly the KV model has more features including ComfyvVew, ColourSense, LightSense, LowDimming etc. But when i check Acer’s weshop in Hungary it shows P model has these features as well.
Also I read that 
models later than JANUARY 2021 have a different iteration of the panel and were dispatched with different software. These models have reduced SDR brigthness of only 180cd at 100%.

I like P model as well based on the description on Acer's site, but I'm conflicted about the purchase. Please, clarify the differences if it’s possible. Thank you!


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,113 Trailblazer
    Go to this link for the specification comparisons between all the XV272u versions released over the years. Not much if any real perfomance difference between the two you mentioned that would be noticeable. So shop price.

    Jack E/NJ

  • TheRealKeoni
    TheRealKeoni Member Posts: 1 New User
    The Nitro VG271UP and the XV272U P cant have the same panel because I have the XV272U P right now and the black uniformity is pretty decent. Slight backlight bleed and some clouding but not too noticeable. Definitely more reminiscent of the XV272U K.