The Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) on Acer Swift 3 SF314-43

rachelkhang Member Posts: 7


edited March 2023 in Swift and Spin Series
Laptop model: Acer Swift 3 SF314-43

Just purchased the laptop not more than 6 months ago and experience the blue screen of death today. The computer was not able to fix the error and it kept going into a loop of restarting and a blue screen. Tried a few times and the laptop was working as normal again. 
I am curious what is the cause of this blue screen, and want to prevent a similar incident from happening as my exams are coming and I need my laptop to work urgently.
Please help! :(

{ edited the title to add model name } 


  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,863 Pathfinder
    @rachelkhang do you use any particular program that leads to the crashing or you are just browsing, doing some light work and it crashes suddenly? 
    For some small troubleshooting, you can check for Windows updates, update the drivers, or BIOS.
    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Happens occasionally usually associated with  a background Windows update that you probably didn't even know was going on. Perhaps the quickest way to get around this, is to press and hold the power button till the machine shuts off. Then unplug the charger. Then gently insert and press a paperclip into the battery disconnect pinhole on the bottom for about 30 seconds. Then plug the charger back in and preferrably wait for the battery charge LED to turn steady blue. Then turn it on again.

    Jack E/NJ

  • SazzaJW
    SazzaJW Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited April 2022
    I have just had this over the last couple of days. Bought the laptop from PC world and took it to them to look at.  They said they'd fixed it yesterday and hadn't.  Took it back today and they reset it to factory settings and said it should was fixed.  Just got it home and low and behold - it did exactly the same thing. 

    So I'm going to try the fix above.  As this next question shows, I'm not very technical.  Where is the battery charge LED light please?  Thanks! 

    ** Edit - I've found the blue light  :D
  • rachelkhang
    rachelkhang Member Posts: 7


    @AnhEZ28 the laptop crash when I on the power button. Primarily used the laptop daily to do light school work and project, and hardly download any programmes other than the essential few such a zoom etc... However, my windows update is on and windows download programme automatically.

    @JackE thank you for the tip! Suspect window update too as when I checked through the computer logs and folder, there was a new editing software called cyberlink photodirector that was installed without my consent. Suspect that might have lead to the blue screen. Definitely am worried something similar will happen again due to windows update... Is there a problem with my laptop? 
  • rachelkhang
    rachelkhang Member Posts: 7


    edited April 2022
    Thank you all.
  • SazzaJW
    SazzaJW Member Posts: 2 New User
    The battery reset didn't work for me.  Looks like there is an update coming out on 05/04 which is rumoured to fix it, but any other advices before then would be appreciated.  This is my work laptop and I've already lost a day faffing with PC World! 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    >>>Definitely am worried something similar will happen again due to windows update... Is there a problem with my laptop? >>>

    I doubt it anything's wrong with your machine. Photodirector might've been bundled with the software already installed when you purchased it. Possibly a cyberlink update.

    I'm always apprehensive with Windows updates because an errant one might cause problems. That's  why I always recommend to make sure System Protection be turned on in Control Panel's restore point app just in case. It's often turned off by default which makes it difficult to reverse the errant update.

    Jack E/NJ

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    Since you might have other problems, it's best to post your own new thread by clicking on the green ask a question button so we don't get confused with the person who started this thread.

    Jack E/NJ

  • rachelkhang
    rachelkhang Member Posts: 7


    The BSoD occurs again today.. suddenly

    What should I do :(

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,676 Trailblazer
    KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED is almost always a buggy app or a buggy driver. The 'error info' it is writing to the disk in that last picture can tell us just which app or driver caused the problem, but it's not a simple task to diagnose. NirSoft has a free viewer for the files. Download and install it then show us screen shots of the results.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • rachelkhang
    rachelkhang Member Posts: 7


    edited April 2022
    @billsey I tried downloading Nirsoft but there it does not show anything as my dump file is empty. I do have a dumpstack file that is in a text document though.
  • rachelkhang
    rachelkhang Member Posts: 7


    The dumpstack file contains this:

    Dump stack initialized at UTC: 2022/04/02 01:56:36, local time: 2022/04/02 09:56:36.
    Progress 0x00000042
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00005471ms
    Starting get secondary dump callbacks size.
    Finish get secondary dump callbacks size.
    Dump Type: 6, Total Dump Size: 440967647, Secondary Dump Size: 86495.
    Starting write of dump header.
    Finish write of dump header.
    Starting write of kernel bitmap dump header.
    Finish write of bitmap dump header.
    Starting write of memory dump data.
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00005488ms
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  0% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  5% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  10% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  15% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  20% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  25% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  30% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  35% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  40% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  45% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  50% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  55% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  60% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  65% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  70% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  75% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  80% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  85% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  90% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  95% 
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  100% 
    Finish write of bitmap dump data. Total pages:107569 Pages written:107569
    Progress 0x00000043
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00013770ms
    Starting invoking secondary dump callbacks.
    Calling wdiwifi secondary callback.
    Return from wdiwifi secondary callback.
    Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data.
    Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data done.
    Calling wdiwifi secondary callback.
    Return from wdiwifi secondary callback.
    Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data.
    Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data done.
    Calling amdi2c secondary callback.
    Return from amdi2c secondary callback.
    Writing amdi2c secondary callback data.
    Writing amdi2c secondary callback data done.
    Calling  secondary callback.
    Return from  secondary callback.
    Writing  secondary callback data.
    Writing  secondary callback data done.
    Calling  secondary callback.
    Return from  secondary callback.
    Writing  secondary callback data.
    Writing  secondary callback data done.
    Calling \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback.
    Return from \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback.
    Writing \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback data.
    Writing \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback data done.
    Calling TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback.
    Return from TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback.
    Writing TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback data.
    Writing TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback data done.
    Calling CRASHDUMP secondary callback.
    Return from CRASHDUMP secondary callback.
    Writing CRASHDUMP secondary callback data.
    Writing CRASHDUMP secondary callback data done.
    Calling PortDriverStandard secondary callback.
    Return from PortDriverStandard secondary callback.
    Writing PortDriverStandard secondary callback data.
    Writing PortDriverStandard secondary callback data done.
    Calling Wdf01000 secondary callback.
    Return from Wdf01000 secondary callback.
    Writing Wdf01000 secondary callback data.
    Writing Wdf01000 secondary callback data done.
    Calling blackbox - CI secondary callback.
    Return from blackbox - CI secondary callback.
    Writing blackbox - CI secondary callback data.
    Writing blackbox - CI secondary callback data done.
    Calling blackbox - NTFS secondary callback.
    Return from blackbox - NTFS secondary callback.
    Writing blackbox - NTFS secondary callback data.
    Writing blackbox - NTFS secondary callback data done.
    Calling blackbox - BSD secondary callback.
    Return from blackbox - BSD secondary callback.
    Writing blackbox - BSD secondary callback data.
    Writing blackbox - BSD secondary callback data done.
    Calling secondary multi-part dump callbacks.
    Starting SMBiosData multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosData multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting SMBiosRegistry multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosRegistry multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting SMBiosRegisters multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosRegisters multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting SMBiosDataACPI multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosDataACPI multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting PCI multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish PCI multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting Etw multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish Etw multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish calling secondary multi-part dump callbacks.
    Progress 0x00000045
    Finish invoking secondary dump callbacks.
    Starting invoking dump complete callbacks.
    Progress 0x00000046
    Finish invoking dump complete callbacks.
    Dump ended at UTC: 2022/04/02 01:56:36, local time: 2022/04/02 09:56:36.
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00014294ms
    Dump completed successfully.
  • rachelkhang
    rachelkhang Member Posts: 7


    I found this when running event viewer for the error that occurred:

    SCEP Certificate enrollment initialization for Local system via failed:


    Method: GET(31ms)
    Stage: GetCACaps

    The server could not bind to the transport \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{3C6DAC5C-8B0B-442B-9EB2-91D7E5F99D70} because another computer on the network has the same name.  The server could not start.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    What program was running?

    Jack E/NJ

  • gtanti
    gtanti Member Posts: 1 New User
    I've been experiencing the same issue with my swift 3 sf413-43. I was getting BSOD daily - it happened mostly when switching on the laptop in the morning as I logged in Win11. Needless to say, it is frustrating needing to resetting windows every day.

    To solve the issue, I tried uninstalling the antivirus, stopping windows updates and updating drivers, all in vain. Finally a couple of days a go I tried by disabling the bluetooth and so far I didn't get any blue screens. This was a week ago.

    I have some urgent work to do at the moment and cannot afford waisting time with resetting windows - however as soon as I'll have the time, I'll re-enable the bluetooth and see what happens then.

    Hope this helps!

  • joor
    joor Member Posts: 3 New User
    Did they solve this problem? I have this same problem 
  • StephenF
    StephenF Member Posts: 2 New User

    I, too, would love to know if anyone found a sustainable solution to this problem. I've had this problem with my Swift 3 for years, and I can't say that it has become less frustrating.
    I don't see any pattern except, perhaps, it seems to get worse when and after Windows installs new updates.
    (Btw, has Acer ever responded to this? Seems to be a problem with the Swift 3 model).

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,676 Trailblazer

    We've only had a couple of reports, so it's not at all widespread. Acer doesn't respond to posts here, it's a forum for user to user interactions. Are you seeing exactly the same BSOD (KMODE EXCEPTION) or something different? What does the minidump viewer show as the offending module?

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • StephenF
    StephenF Member Posts: 2 New User

    Hi billseye. I am not sure what a “minidump” is?
    But I get two different blue screens from time to time. One says, “VIDEO DXGKRNL FATAL ERROR", the other “DRIVER POWER STATE FAILURE”.
    I had technicians fix it once, and whatever they did, it helped for a little while. Then it came back with a vengeance, perhaps because of some updates. Can't be sure. There are periods of time where it shows up very seldom, and others where it's almost daily. Just saying in case it matters. :-)

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,676 Trailblazer

    @StephenF OK, you have a different issue than the one this thread is covering. Please start a new thread using the Ask a Question button. Include your full model number (it should be on the same sticker as your serial number and look something like SF3xx-xxx-xxxx), show a picture or two of the BSODs and let us know what you have tried so far. KMODE EXCEPTION is a lot different than DXGKRNL ERROR or DRIVER POWER STATE. Without knowing what machine you have we can't try to point at the offending component, so we can't suggest how to tell if it's a driver or other issue.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.