SSD for E5 575G

chad05 Member Posts: 5


Hello, i have acer e5 575g, it has 2tb hdd on it but it broke and replaced by 500gb hdd. I want to add ssd for boot. Can you help me figure out what ssd is compatible for my laptop. SN Hello, i want to add ssd to my laptop. This is the serial number of my laptop NXGL9SP0047082A0897600. This is also the list that acer gave me when i emailed them but im confused because i cannot find them on google. Prefered product is samsung. Thanks in advance.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 44,833 Trailblazer
    The models you posted are older small cards that aren't  necessary for your laptop and are being phased out by bigger cards by most  manufactures like Samsung. You can add just about any m.2 SSD card up to 2TB including the Samsung 970s & 980s NVME cards. Their top speed should be about 2-3 time faster than m.2 SATA cards allowed by your mainboard PCIe bus.

    Jack E/NJ

  • chad05
    chad05 Member Posts: 5


    JackE said:
    The models you posted are older small cards that aren't  necessary for your laptop and are being phased out by bigger cards by most  manufactures like Samsung. You can add just about any m.2 SSD card up to 2TB including the Samsung 970s & 980s NVME cards. Their top speed should be about 2-3 time faster than m.2 SATA cards allowed by your mainboard PCIe bus.
    You mean the list of ssd cards that acer gave me? They say maximum ssd for my unit is 256 only?
  • chad05
    chad05 Member Posts: 5


    chad05 said:
    JackE said:
    The models you posted are older small cards that aren't  necessary for your laptop and are being phased out by bigger cards by most  manufactures like Samsung. You can add just about any m.2 SSD card up to 2TB including the Samsung 970s & 980s NVME cards. Their top speed should be about 2-3 time faster than m.2 SATA cards allowed by your mainboard PCIe bus.
    You mean the list of ssd cards that acer gave me? They say maximum ssd for my unit is 256 only?
    Is this the card that you mean?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 44,833 Trailblazer
    >>>They say maximum ssd for my unit is 256 only?>>>

    Who are "they"? They are using a very old specsheet with m.2 cards that were supplied in some models when they were first released. Bigger drives were more costly back then so they used 128 and 256. Howeverr laptop model should be able easily handle up to 2TB with no issues. Bigger drives are much cheaper now. I suggest that the following 1TB WesternDigital Blues series NVME would be perfect for your machine at a very reasonable price.

    Jack E/NJ