SF314-511 power button / lid works unpredictable

Kaavain Member Posts: 3 New User
Hi all.
I won't say "id doesn't work" because it works but live by it's own life. What I'm expecting to be:
- power settings "power button - sleep", "lid - do nothing" . Always on my old NB it works like this: press button - NB goes to sleep. Press after sleep - wakes. Closing oan open the lid acts nothing, if NB sleepping - it sleepping.

How it works with my brand new Shift 3 on Win 11 pro:

On battery
- press button it goes to sleep.
- press again it wakes.
- if not sleep closing the lid do nothing (but screen goes of, of course)
- if sleep it do nothing if closed but WAKE THE NB if open. This is the first trouble.
- if to press button, it goes to sleep, then close the lid it sleeps, but if to connect AC now - it wakes and not going to sleep further.

On AC.
- press button it goes to sleep
- close the lid wakes it up and no sleep anymore.

If to change the settings to button - sleep, lid - sleep then

- press button it goes to sleep
close the lid wakes it up and then sleep again.

On battery
- press button it goes to sleep
close the lid wakes it up and no sleep anymore.

- close the lid it goes to sleep
- connect AC while lid closied and sleep it wakes up and wont sleep anymore.

In ststem log I fond several events like "sistem wakes from MODERN sleep mode" and "system goes to MODERN sleep mode" with the reason "AC/DC Display Burst Suppressed"...

How to understand what happening and force to work predictable???


  • Kaavain
    Kaavain Member Posts: 3 New User
    So it is really annoying...
    Now on AC pressed power - it went to sleep but close the lid - it waked!
    Also BT mouse wakes it up with closed lid and there are no options to disable wake from mouse in Control panel.
  • Kaavain
    Kaavain Member Posts: 3 New User
    Some investigation shows, that most probably:

    1. The reason of such stupid behavior is "Connection Standby" settings of Windows. The reason why I've never meet it on my old NBs - they were uncompatible with this "great feature" so they worked normally.

    2. There are no ways to disable this type of standby by means of Windows user controls. The only way is to tweak the registry but it may disable sleep mode at all.

    3. The reason why "Power management" tab missing at devices is the same.

    4. The behavior of the CLOSING lid even must be existing in NB BIOS, Acer does not offer it. Other ways are disables by the reasons of that magic Connection Standby.

    So, I hope i will understand soon why this great feature must makes me happy while so far I'm only sad of it.