laptop was able to run on battery before,now power shuts down when charger is removed PH315-52

snazzy Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 2022 in Predator Laptops
so recently my power charging would go off all of a sudden , until i fidgeted with the power pin, then it would resume charging.
i kept using it with occasionally fidgeting the power pin, now as soon as i remove charging pin the laptop shuts down and the power pin doesn't charge when fully inserted, i have to insert it mid way inside leaving an a millimeter or 2 of the silver part of the pin still showing, what really bugs is that now the laptop turns off when the charging stops, and yet there is still 96% battery. did the laptop shutdown issue occur due to my fidgeting causing something to breakdown or is the 96 percent a false reading? meaning my laptop charger might not be charging well enough?
My laptop is Acer predator Helios 300 PH315-52-78VL,

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,556 Pathfinder
    @snazzy you can try to reinsert the battery cable for resetting the battery percentage but it will require you to take the bottom cover off. For the charging problem, it is either the charger or the port is damaged. You can try getting a new charger.
    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!