Predator G3-571 intense buzzing accompanied by freezing, solved only by full reset every time i game

AbDrago Member Posts: 1 New User
Every time i get on a game that requires a little bit of processing power such as ESO, Fortnite, Counter Strike, and any and all harder to run games my laptop fully crashes a few minutes in, it does this loud buzzing noise and i cant do anything but restart by holding the power button, a little bit of info on the Pc, its a G3-571, i have it undervolted by -125 through ThrottleStop, and i have the turbo disabled, i have 32gb ram on it and its an i7 with a NVidia GeForce 1060. Fans are clean, circuitry is all in good shape, i repasted you because the old paste was placed miserably. Im running the latest Geforce drivers, and honestly i dont know what else to do, Every time i look at Event Viewer after it does the crash i get an error 0xC0000022, i looked up some fixes but nothing worked. someone help out here and see if im missing anything. 
