Can I add a RAM stick from my E5-576G into a A515-43-R19L?

Althei Member Posts: 3 New User
Can I add a RAM stick from my E5-576G into a A515-43-R19L?


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    I odnt belive so, the E5 was DDR3 i think whereas the A515 is DDR4
  • Althei
    Althei Member Posts: 3 New User
    Thank you.  So I will need to buy a new RAM stick.  Do I need to match the 4GB that is built in or can I install an 8GB or 16GB in the open slot?
  • Althei
    Althei Member Posts: 3 New User
    And while I'm at it . . . what RAM stick should I get to upgrade the A515-43-R19L? Thank you very much.
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    You can mix and match memory sizes, but i dont recomend it as it can be pot luck if it works, it should but its never garanteed. It should be suported by something called mixed mode, but that isnt mentioned in the service manual so it really is pot luck if it works.

     You can have upto 32GB's of ram, and it needs to be DDR4 1.2v 2400Mhz/MTs at JEDEC speeds, usually 2X8GB sticks is pleanty for most things!
  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,493 Trailblazer
    Althei said:
    Can I add a RAM stick from my E5-576G into a A515-43-R19L?

    The bottom line here is this, if you have DDR4-24000Mhz in your E5--576G then you can as this laptop can accept DDR3L 1600 MHz soDIMM, DDR4 2133 MHz soDIMM and DDR4 2400 MHz soDIMM 1.05 V and 1.2V Standard JEDEC 260-pin while the A515-43 suggested memory is DDR4 2400 1.2V DDR4 SO-DIMM 260 pin only with both laptops taking max capacities of 32GB into their 2x memory slots, so you have to have the higher spec memory in your E5--576G laptop for the memory to work properley. best is to do a Crucial System Scanner that will give you all the suitable RAM and SSD drive upgrades for your laptop.