Nitro 5 wont turn on, Blank screen and keypad lights up. RUDE CUSTOMER SERVICE

reapercrewA Member Posts: 1 New User

Have a 3 year old acer nitro 5 and it wouldnt turn on the other month, still doesnt so took it to the local computer repair guy. he explained the MOB? or motherboard had broken and would only been caused by a manufacturing defect or a common problem and I should speak to acer and try get them to replace or repair the laptop.

although we have had the laptop 3 years its barely been used mainly for online surfing and a few light games here and there (theme hospital, age of empires).

after reading through a few pages on this community it seems its a very common problem and as such my not so cheap gaming laptop has turned into a heavy paperweight.

i spoke to acer this evening and they have said take it up with where i purchased the laptop from which i feel is just passing the buck and i will end up calling acer back shortly after speaking to the shop i purchased the laptop from. has anyone else had rude customer service from acer? I asked the employee at acer if after i send the laptop to them the technician comes to the same conclusion its a manufacturing fault, then would i be liable for the cost to repair or replace? to which his response was yes. This alone infuriated me as I deem the device UNFIT for purpose. Therefore coming under the consumer act 2015 it should be repaired, replaced or alternative provided at cost to the manufacturer.

Can Anyone give me some advice on who or how i get in contact with the people at acer as this isnt a great product if it fails after only a few years at the cost of the device its rather shocking..



  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,847 Pathfinder
    @reapercrewA fixing manufacture faults without fees is only applied if the warranty is not expired. The manufacture will not cover any problems that past the warranty period. It just like most of gaming consoles that had the problem with the APU or other components. Most of those will be used as parts or thrown away. 
    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • LeoV60
    LeoV60 Member Posts: 1 New User

    I have had this same problem with my NITRO 5 Keypad not allowing my NITRO LAPTOP AN15-55….

    (1) Power and Battery is fully charged to Laptoph(2) It is in Shutodwon mode.. (off)

    (3) I open Laptop to Show LCD Screen and on Top Corner,,, Shows blue light for Power, However the next Display Light is AMBER aka Orange!

    (4) I push the START KEY on very Far Right Upper Corner of LAPTOP Keypad! NADA nothing happens!!!!

    (5) Looked for my Owners Manual and reviewd how to remove Base Cover from back of LAPTOP Bottom,,

    <a>) removed power source, (POWER CORD)

    <b> removed all base screws on base, small phillips scre driver.. (Place in a small cup or glass not to lose them on fact they are tiny!)

    <c> slowly lifted back cover area with a small thin flat screw driver or tiny knife being careful to pry it off on lose areas at a time,, It comes off really easy without being forced!

    <d> wearing electrical gloves removed the memory card and placed back in slot!

    <e> Unconnected the Power small terminal lines to Power Charger small box.. this disconnects Power! Carefully reconnected Power supply terminals.

    <f> Dusted off any lose dust on electronics with a small fine loose painting brush,,, No press down just sweep off top dust. Use a blow sprayer with compressed air at a foot distance to be careful not to touch or blast internal connections!

    <g> Carefully replace Back Panel Cover and aligh it to all the empty screw slots!

    <h> Replace all factory screws being careful to not over tighten and do them all gradually before final quarter turn tightening!

    <i> Replace Power Cord to back of LAPTOP!funds,,

    <J> Open FLAT PANEL LCD screen,,,

    <k> Turn on POWER ,… Prthe Top Right Power Source Key Button!

    R E S O L V E D!!!!!

    NOTE: The above procedures does return you to using your NITRO 5 Keypad on fact it reboots it when none of your keys will!!!

    I tried looking for Fix on this issue here to no avail! It is important you have a reference or schematic of the internal electronic parts

    if you have no clue what you are doing! I live to far away from a repair area, my warranty did not run out but purchased it at a military

    NEX and it would of been crazy to return it to manufacture! I am retired USN and sorry if this above info is above the average Laptop

    owner,,,, immediately return it for replacement or funds under warrranty! If out of warranty then the above instructions should work for

    similiar problems on the NITRO LAPTOP AN15-55 Models,,,,

    LeoV60, USN RET

    29 March 2023

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,544 Trailblazer

    Before giving up on DIY completely (trying to fix the issue), I recommend the discharging method by depressing the power button for several minutes while the battery is disconnected from the motherboard to drain any static/stray charges present on the motherboard: So open up the laptop, disconnect the battery cable (at the motherboard end) and press and keep the power button/key depressed several (2-3) minutes without interruption, then reconnect the battery again and try to power up. I don't know what the repair shop has tested, possibly measured the Power Supply voltage. One more method worth trying is to plug in the power adapter with the battery disconnected from the motherboard this may prove that the battery is faulty, some models work with the adapter only and a bad battery can disrupt the power supply.