My Aspire C27 - 1665 makes random clunking sounds when I do anything and gaming issue

Murtini Member Posts: 3 New User
Hello. So I recently bought the above and I noticed whenever I clicked a video, or a link, or a new website or even when I restart/shut down I'd hear like a clunk noise. It's hard to explain, only lasts about 1 second but even when I mute my sound, I still hear it!! 

Also a quick question regarding gaming. I have the Nvidia Geforce MX330 card and whenever I game the fan makes a ridiculously loud noise. I've looked online for ways to fix it but when I checked Afterburner, the fan cooling was unavailable to click. In the control panel, the system cooling section is greyed out. I even went into BIOS and there was nothing there to change the temperature. Is there anything I can do to stop the fan noise?



  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,292 Pathfinder
    @Murtini that sounds is from HDD or fan. 
    For the gaming concern, I'm not sure if the sounds that fan made is too loud or weird. If it is loud, then it is normal because the GPU needs to be cooled down during heavy loads session.
    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • Murtini
    Murtini Member Posts: 3 New User
    Yeah the gaming sound I can understand but there used to be a way to cool the gpu speed down so when gaming it wouldn't get too hot. On Nvidia this seems to be impossible to do. 
  • Murtini
    Murtini Member Posts: 3 New User
    OK so in my power plan I noticed the 'system cooling policy' was missing. I've now re-added it back in and amazingly the fan isn't making that much noise when gaming. It's still a bit noisy but it's bearable. I think I'll have to just make do with it how it is.