Triton 500 RTX 2060 Stuck on 960mhz

Requiem228 Member Posts: 5 New User
I haven't been gaming recently, so I haven't noticed any issues as all I usually do is stream video.
I decided I wanted to try playing New World. 
Initially I went with Nvidias recommended graphics settings, and I was getting terrible fps, 20 and less. 
I have changed dli settings, Nvidia control settings, changed game priority settings, reverted to older graphics drivers, etc. No change. 

I noticed when I used the Predator app to OC it said 960mhz, then looking up the core mhz for the RTX I realized it should be much higher. 

Streaming it has been running at 80 or so degrees, while attempting to play New World its at 90+
And I have tried other games. 

I had issues with the GPU not being recognized awhile back, and mobo was replaced under warranty. 

Anyway, I'm frustrated and stumped. Thank you in advance. 
