Never had a problem before until now - Acer Chromebook 15 CB3-532

BernieLJ77 Member Posts: 6 New User
edited December 2021 in Chromebooks
 I've had the Acer Chromebook 15 CB3-532 for a long time and never had a problem before now.

 I liked the fact that the battery seems to last 15 or 16 hours, or more, if I don't use brighter than 1/2 brightness.

 I use it a lot, and a few keys that I press a lot have started to lose the lettering showing what the letter is.

 Anyway, since this last update, the one that allows the camera to scan, I have a problem opening APPs.

 I can't get the Mail APP to open, and it just keeps spinning around and around, even after many minutes.

 I've also tried to open Messenger and the same things happens.

 The camera will open though, allowing me to take a photo of the photo of the problem with my Android phone, since I can't open Messenger where I could've sent the photo to, and luckily the Chrome browser opens, as I was able to come here, but other APPs just won't open.

 I've tried logging out and back in, I've tried shutting the Chromebook off, and then back on, but it still does the same thing.

 After 15 Minutes or so, I've even tried opening a second APP, then a few minutes later a third APP, and none of them will open. 

​//Edited the content to add model name.   ​


  • Davie09
    Davie09 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Open an elevated command prompt, type in "CHKDSK C: /R /F" without quotes and it will state disk is in use ask to run on next restart, press y to confirm and restart. Let that run on reboot.

    When computer is restarted open another elevated command prompt and type in "SFC /SCANNOW" without quotation marks. Let that run if it says it found and repaired errors restart and do it again. If it shows some error then u can fix it, by searching in google

  • BernieLJ77
    BernieLJ77 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Davie09 said:

    Open an elevated command prompt, type in "CHKDSK C: /R /F" without quotes and it will state disk is in use ask to run on next restart, press y to confirm and restart. Let that run on reboot.

    When computer is restarted open another elevated command prompt and type in "SFC /SCANNOW" without quotation marks. Let that run if it says it found and repaired errors restart and do it again. If it shows some error then u can fix it, by searching in google

    Sorry, it just says unknown command, however, I'm trying this command, to see what happens, but not sure whether it does anything.

    Checking blocks 0 to 15388671
    Checking for bad blocks (read-only test):  76.68% done, 2:06 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)

    received this result:
    Checking blocks 0 to 15388671
    Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done                                                 
    Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)
  • BernieLJ77
    BernieLJ77 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Davie09 said:

    Open an elevated command prompt, type in "CHKDSK C: /R /F" without quotes and it will state disk is in use ask to run on next restart, press y to confirm and restart. Let that run on reboot.

    When computer is restarted open another elevated command prompt and type in "SFC /SCANNOW" without quotation marks. Let that run if it says it found and repaired errors restart and do it again. If it shows some error then u can fix it, by searching in google

    I did help and help_advanced and also help CHKDSK and CHKDSK isn't listed and help CHKDSK, says unknown command.

  • BernieLJ77
    BernieLJ77 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Davie09 said:

    Open an elevated command prompt, type in "CHKDSK C: /R /F" without quotes and it will state disk is in use ask to run on next restart, press y to confirm and restart. Let that run on reboot.

    When computer is restarted open another elevated command prompt and type in "SFC /SCANNOW" without quotation marks. Let that run if it says it found and repaired errors restart and do it again. If it shows some error then u can fix it, by searching in google

    SFC /SCANNOW shows Unknown Command: SFC
  • BernieLJ77
    BernieLJ77 Member Posts: 6 New User
    edited December 2021
    I guess that they've killed the support for APPs, and now I can't use an APP to access my E-Mail anymore, and also can't do a lot of other things that require APPs, so I'm going to be shopping for a different PC, maybe a Mac this time, or a Windows-based machine...too bad too as I sure liked how long the Chromebook's battery lasts, even though this Chromebook was manufactured back on 03/30/18, so it's about 3 years and 9 months old, and the battery lasts me about 15 or 16 hours before it needs to be recharged, if I don't use more than about a 50% screen brightness, but I usually use one setting or so below half brightness...but I don't want to have to log into my different, or multiple, E-Mail accounts, to retrieve my E-Mails, and really liked to use an E-Mail program or APP to retrieve E-Mail from multiple accounts.

    So will be shopping around for something other than a Chromebook, something that will allow me to use an E-Mail program, instead of logging into the different E-Mail accounts to retrieve my E-Mails from multiple accounts.

    I can't even uninstall the APPs, as Uninstall doesn't even show anymore, only Install shows, and Installed at the PlayStore, and Uninstall no longer shows on the Chromebook either, only Unpin and Open on the taskbar, and only Open and Unpin From Shelf in the Start Menu...Uninstall doesn't even show up in the Google Playstore like it used to show...and the Update option no longer shows either. So, since there's also an APP where I use for my hobby, that I can no longer use, and since it looks like support is gone, this makes me a little frustrated, as now I can no longer do the things that I like to do.

    So I'm sort of frustrated, and almost ready to get rid of computers altogether, and go back to the Pre-PC days...LOL
  • BernieLJ77
    BernieLJ77 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Davie09 said:

    Open an elevated command prompt, type in "CHKDSK C: /R /F" without quotes and it will state disk is in use ask to run on next restart, press y to confirm and restart. Let that run on reboot.

    When computer is restarted open another elevated command prompt and type in "SFC /SCANNOW" without quotation marks. Let that run if it says it found and repaired errors restart and do it again. If it shows some error then u can fix it, by searching in google

    I just did a power wash and the APPs are automatically reinstalling and it looks like things are working again. Of course I checked on the videos, photos, and files that I had on the Chromebook, but I already had copies of them elsewhere, so a power wash was OK.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    edited December 2021
    Heheh, of course none of those Windows commands are going to work on your Chromebook. :)
    The power wash is the best step to try, the symptoms just sound like some of the profile data is corrupted. You might think about doing one every year or so anyway, just to help keep it clean.
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