Multiple issues on my Acer Aspire A715-71G-79BN



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>(Let me clarify that the problems with the USB, etc., are still happening after booting from the old disk, in case it is relevant).>>>

    Yes. Relevant. This confirm either hardware issue or corrupted BIOS firmware

    >>>If I understand you correctly, I could reset the BIOS with the 128GB disk plugged in and, worst case scenario, I should still be able to boot from the 1TB one, right? >>>

    Not necessarily. You can reset the BIOS with both cards disconnected. Wouldn't make any difference. This is because the hidden EFI trusted file partitiions in both old 128GB and new 1 TB drive are still in the BIOS memory. Drives don't have to be connected for the BIOS to remember them. But after the BIOS is reset, that BIOS memory will be erased whether they're connected or disconnected. Nonetheless, the old drive & the new drive could possibly still boot "IF" secure boot can still be disabled after the BIOS reset, Another big "IF".

    Jack E/NJ

  • CatarinaF
    CatarinaF Member Posts: 14


    Hi JackE.

    Can you please tell me if there's anything we can do to find if the problem comes from a hardware mainboard USB bus issue or from a corrupted BIOS firmware?

    So, from what I understood I only have two options left: either I try to reset the BIOS and hope it doesn't brick my computer, or I leave it as it is (to not risk getting into a worse situation). In case I try to reset the BIOS, can you estimate what are the chances of getting it wrong? And if I decide to keep things as they are, do you think they will eventually get worse with time?

    Thank you in advance!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Because the issue seemed intermittent, I'd hafta guess it's more likely a loose or cracked solder joint on the mainboard. I doubt it'll get any worse and might even occasionally/intermittently work again. If you can continue to use it in this hobbled way, then you should probably avoid the BIOS reset.

    Jack E/NJ

  • CatarinaF
    CatarinaF Member Posts: 14


    Good evening, JackE, and thank you once again for all the help provided.

    Well, it's true that for a short while it kind of worked intermittently, but not in a random way, but rather due to the BIOS reinstallation trick (there was a clear cause-effect). However, this trick hasn't worked for a while (coincidently or not, since the latest feature update from Windows 10) and, since then, the USB's never worked again. I'd imagine this points more towards a corrupted BIOS issue than a hardware problem, but who knows...

    In any case, if there's a matter of a loose or cracked solder is there any way to have it checked by some professional at a store, for instance? And would that also fix the issue of the computer not turning off completely (both appear simultaneosly)?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    A local laptop repair shop might have the testing equipment to check this. But a sales store probably not. Suspected solder failures can sometimes be fixed by stripping the mainboard of heat sensitive components and baking it on an aluminum cookie sheet in a pre-heated oven at about 425-450*F for about 10mins. This is called a full board solder-reflow. Obviously a drastic labor intensive last-resort procedure to try to salvage a defective mainboard.

    Jack E/NJ

  • CatarinaF
    CatarinaF Member Posts: 14


    Hi JackE, and sorry for just answering now.

    Thank you very much for all the tips and help that you've been giving me!
    I will try to see if I find any local repair shop that can look up into this mainboard issue. However, I still didn't decide if I will follow up with that procedure or just let the computer as it is for a little bit longer (hoping he doesn't start to experience new issues soon).

    If I have any news I will write here, to keep this post updated.

    Thanks a lot once again, and all the best for you!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    OK. Good luck with it staying usable. :)

    Jack E/NJ