Concept D 5 CN-516-72G-756Y question about RTX 3060 TGP (power limit)

I am considering this laptop as it offers a massive uplift from my current personal daily driver and it looks sexy af.

I know it has an RTX 3060 6GB but I do not know what the TGP is, and I can't find it anywhere on the community-contributed RTX 3060 mobile TGP charts.  Could either 1). somebody who owns this particular laptop report the TGPU as displayed in GPU-Z or HWinfo64 when gaming (the Nvidia Control Panel TGP rating is not always accurate under real-world loads) or 2). an Acer engineer who knows the TGP give me an answer?  

I know that earlier in 2021, Nvidia started requiring OEMs to list the TGP of their mobile chipsets in their product listings, but it seems like Acer is out of compliance for not listing these TGPs anywhere online for the entire Concept 5D series.  The RTX 3060 mobile can be configured to draw anywhere between 80W to 115W when under load, and performance can differ drastically depending on the power limit.  

Thank you in advance!