Predator PT515-52 - Triton 500 display issue

AutoCPS Member Posts: 9


edited October 2021 in Predator Laptops
My Laptop's Display suddenly stopped working after doing full reset (Via Recovery) and it keeps showing red blinking light on the charge light whenever I turn it off.

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi @AutoCPS,

    # Try to get the BIOS page.
    1. Turn OFF the unit.
    ​2. Press and hold the F2 key and turn on the unit. 
    3. You will be in setup utility page. 
    4. Once you got the screen release the F2 key.
    5. Tap on F9 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    6. Tap on F10 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    7. Your unit will restart by itself. 

    Check this T/S and post the result. ​
  • AutoCPS
    AutoCPS Member Posts: 9


    Easwar said:
    Hi @AutoCPS,

    # Try to get the BIOS page.
    1. Turn OFF the unit.
    ​2. Press and hold the F2 key and turn on the unit. 
    3. You will be in setup utility page. 
    4. Once you got the screen release the F2 key.
    5. Tap on F9 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    6. Tap on F10 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    7. Your unit will restart by itself. 

    Check this T/S and post the result. ​

    Did it, Doesn't work.
  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi @AutoCPS,

    Can you able to get the BIOS screen.