Headset identifies as headphones/spekers. Aspire A315-55KG

Scripach Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter
edited September 2021 in Aspire Laptops
Hi everyone. Last week i decided to use Microsoft High Defenition Device instead of Realtek drivers and since then my headset is recognised as headphones. Headset itself works perfectly, but i only have laptops microphone option. I guess the issue is Realtek HD device/Realtek Audio Control, but the first one don't open at all, no reaction when i run .exe from Programm Files/Realtek/Audio/HDA, and the second says "Can't connect to RCA device" or something. I tried to install both drivers from Relatek site and the one from Acer site for my particular model of laptop. How can i solve this problem?

Thread was edited to add model name to the title

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