Graphics Card recommendations for virtual world social (IMVU and Second Life)

EDSX Member Posts: 9


I thought I would throw this out there, I have been a user of the Aspire TC series for a little over 4 years. I spend a lot of my time on a specific 3D virtual social network called IMVU. I'm not a gamer, and the site is not really gaming per se, but it is 3D graphic content, and as such, requires a certain amount of Graphics power to make things look good, especially to do rendering and shading of the 3D content.
I am currently using an Asus Cerberus GTX 1050 TI as my graphics card. I would like to ask if there's anyone in the community that could give any advice on this particular application (3D virtual worlds), as to whether my graphics card is powerful enough, or if there are any suggestions as to what graphics card to upgrade to that would be sufficient enough to make IMVU a more pleasurable experience?


  • EDSX
    EDSX Member Posts: 9


    And just to clarify, this is not VR I'm not talking about VR. This is regular 3D graphic content on a 2d screen