Is it possible to upgrade the screen to a higher resolution one from the other submodels? (A315-41)

BakaInu87 Member Posts: 11


I have an Aspire 3 A315-41, more specifically the R3LC submodel. The screen is sufficient enough for me, as I only use the laptop for working on documents on the go and some streaming on the bed (on a mini desk of course), but my eyes would definitely be pleased with a denser pixel density. The R7BM submodel has most of the same specs as the R3LC (same CPU, same GPU, but SSD instead of HDD and 2x4GB RAM instead of a single 4GB stick), but has a higher resolution display (1080p, mine is only 768p). If I were to get hold of a spare screen for the R7BM, will it work in my R3LC? They're both 15.6 TN screens, and AFAIK A315-41 all use the same chassis so it'd most probably fit. The question is whether it would work or not if I just simply plug the connector into the mainboard?

I know I'm maybe oversimplifying the whole 'plug into mainboard and magic happens' part, but if this method is possible it'd be a ***** big savings on my end to just replace the screen when (or if) it breaks and basically have an R7BM lite with only half the RAM capacity and an HDD instead of SSD.

Oh and some more info, AFAIK the R7BM isn't sold in my country and the whole A315-41 line has now been discontinued anyways from the stores here.
