Nvidia Geforce Shortcut❓

MALLARD462 Member Posts: 2 New User
❓The Nvidia GeForce Shortcut on the top of the Nitrosense UI has disappeared.❓
Any input appreciated.

Best Answer

  • MALLARD462
    MALLARD462 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Answer ✓
    'Fadikhan' has piggybacked my post, rendering the issue confusing.
    I've requested the Moderators to remove my post.
    Hopefully, making sense of the 'FADIKHAN' post.


  • Fadikhan
    Fadikhan Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hello everyone.i have acer nitro 5 .i have been using it for sometime now and suddenly it stopped working and now i am stuck in a loop showing this blue screen.any suggestions how to solve this issue?
  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi MALLARD462,

    May I know the full model name of your unit.

  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi Fadikhan,

    # Try to get the BIOS page.
    1. Turn OFF the unit.
    ​2. Press and hold the F2 key and turn on the unit. 
    3. You will be in setup utility page. 
    4. Once you got the screen release the F2 key.
    5. Tap on F9 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    6. Tap on F10 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    7. Your unit will restart by itself. 

    Check this T/S and post the result. ​
  • MALLARD462
    MALLARD462 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Answer ✓
    'Fadikhan' has piggybacked my post, rendering the issue confusing.
    I've requested the Moderators to remove my post.
    Hopefully, making sense of the 'FADIKHAN' post.