I am too scared to fix this - nitro 5 an515 43

Aryan1412 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited August 2021 in Nitro Gaming
I bought my acer nitro 5 an515 43 gaming laptop around 10 months ago. After a couple of months suddenly i faced fps drop and stuttering. I first ignored it with a thought it must be temporary still after waiting for a lot of days it wasnt solved. I used to get around 100 - 120 fps in csgo. Excess stuttering and lag caused too much heating! I searched for solutions on the internet i found only one solution and that was changing the power plan and limiting the laptop perfomance to get stable 60 fps which means the laptop's potential wasnt used. I realized that this surely is a hardware issue and not any kind of temprorary issue. I need to take my laptop to a shop also I am too scared to tell my parents about this also i am not that old ........Recently, even after changing the power plan im facing more fps drops now it goes to 50................pls pls pls help me any kind of advice wld be appreciated can i still fix this by myself or i need something else getting this laptop wasnt easy for me......pls reply

//Edited the content to add model name.


  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi Aryan1412,

    What's the system temp ?
  • Aryan1412
    Aryan1412 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Easwar its 93-100 in cpu and around 85 for gpu

  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi Aryan1412,

    Try to run your computer in a cool place and check if there is proper airflow available at the bottom of the laptop. If the problem still persists, undervolt the CPU and the GPU. Let me know if Nitrosense did the job, if not, try undervolting. If the problem still persists, undervolt the CPU and the GPU.