I have an Aspire A715-75G and I don't know how it is labelled as a 'gaming laptop'.

SwagLordOP Member Posts: 2 New User
Specs have been provided in the following attachments. For some reason, the laptop just...doesn't perform well at all. When I use it, I think that it is even worse than a GT 710. The games I play are Minecraft, COD Warzone, and Rocket League. Before talking about gaming, I wanted to say that the laptop has an overheating problem(like, always.). Suppose I wanted to watch some YouTube. After watching it for a while(I mean 5 minutes lol), EVEN THE YOUTUBE WEBSITE STARTS STUTTERING because the laptop overheats to a temperature close to 95º C. Other than that, there is always flickering on the screen sometimes whenever I watch a video. 

Let's talk about GAMING(which the laptop is supposed to be good at)
Suppose I just turned on the laptop(and it's cool beforehand), and I started playing Warzone. I would just play it at 720p resolution because I think that the laptop just can't support 1080p. The menu stutters, it becomes slow and it is unusable. Not that that's NOT the case with 720p though. Once I played it for 30 seconds, the laptop just stutters, the frames drop from 40 to 20( and of course, input lag comes into play). I would say that I am fine with 40 fps average which the laptop offers when it's not overheated, but I've seen reviewers testing the same laptop and getting over 60 FPS at 1080p all of the time; not to mention the fact that I play at 1280 X 720 res. and get WAYYY less frames. 
But the worst part of all this is that the Acer guys have come to our house at least 4 times. The last time someone had come, they had even changed the motherboard but it didn't change anything. I have seen that the thermal paste is applied properly. I am starting to think that this is an issue with the wires n stuff. I think that the Acer guys won't know anything about this because they only get 2-3 weeks of training, and they learn only what they're supposed to know. I have mentioned to them about this issue FACE TO FACE; but they seem to know nothing. It's obvious that the guys don't know anything about solving real world computer problems. HECK, once someone had come and had tried to install the WRONG BIOS for the motherboard lol.
So...yeah. This post is just me ranting about Acer support and why this issue hasn't been fixed yet. My laptop is going to be out of warranty after a month, and I think that's what ACER WANTS.
Anyways, thanks for reading till the end. My question is will they will let me replace the whole laptop?
