Can you take out the acer aspire tc-885 motherboard?

Bubzy1st Member Posts: 14


I want to take the motherboard out so I can change the cpu cooler mount so I can put a new cooler in for better temps and sound

Best Answer

  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓

    I also have a TC-885 PC. Yes, you can change the CPU cooler mount by taking out the motherboard, but only if you do not mind spending more than two hours of work. That is like the effort of building a brand new PC (or even more effort than that), hardware wise.
    You probably have that type of generic CPU cooler (that will fit both the Intel type and AMD type) in mind.

    My suggestion is to get that type of Intel only CPU cooler having the four thumb screws for the 1151 socket, so that you can change CPU cooler without the need of removing the motherboard. The time involved will be probably  5-20 minutes, including the time for applying thermal paste.

    Also, will recommend slightly overdesigned cooler, probably the 125W TDP type if you want better temperature. Don't get it too big ( like those 200W TDP type), as it may not fit inside the PC case.
