Aspire3 A315-53 install a fresh copy of Windows from a bootable pendrive on the newly installed SSD

Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
edited July 2021 in Aspire Laptops
How to install a fresh copy of Windows 10 Pro 64-bit from a bootable pen-drive on the newly installed SSD (Samsung 970 EVO Plus 250GB PCIe NVMe M.2 2280 Internal SSD MZ-V7S250) while Windows 10 Pro 64-bit is already installed on the C drive of existing HDD of the laptop (Acer Aspire 3 A315-53G-5968)?

Note - I don't need to take backup of already installed Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    edited July 2021
    I think you can not have same operating system in different drives of the latop due to licensing conditions but please wait for someone else to confirm it, you may encounter problems when you activate the installation.
    Read this link for more information:Installing Windows 10 on two different drives on the same computer - Microsoft Community
  • Himadri
    Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    I think you can not have same operating system in different drives of the latop due to licensing conditions but please wait for someone else to confirm it, you may encounter problems when you activate the installation.
    Read this link for more information:Installing Windows 10 on two different drives on the same computer - Microsoft Community
    I don't need dual boot.
    I want to use that SSD for boot purpose only and the HDD'll be used as storage purpose. After installing fresh windows on the SSD I'll remove existing windows from HDD.

    Now I need to know the process to...
    1. Select the SSD as 1st boot drive.
    2. Installing fresh copy of Windows on the SSD.
    3. Booting the laptop through SSD after installing windows on it.

    Please also let me know that do I have to disconnect/disable the HDD before installing windows on the SSD as the HDD contains Windows... And do I have to format the C drive (where the already installed Windows is exist) of the existing HDD before reconnecting/enabling it to avoid any boot related issues?

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    edited July 2021
    That's fine, you can download iso from Microsoft and create a bootable installation media(USB), remove the HDD and install the new M.2 SSD, insert the bootable USB you have creared, go to BIOS screen and move to Boot tab, use F6 button to bring bootable USB disk to first boot device position, press F10 to save the settings and exit BIOS, when the laptop reboots it will start the installation process, then you transfer all your important data(Pics, Documments etc.) from the HDD to another spare HDD to be on the safe side, once you are happy with the fresh installation, you can format the original HDD and use it for storage.
    You don't need to know the Product ID for activation because it's embedded in your system and it will be done automatically.
    Clean Install Windows 10 | Tutorials (
    Download Windows 10 (
    Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

  • Himadri
    Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    That's fine, you can download iso from Microsoft and create a bootable installation media(USB), remove the HDD and install the new M.2 SSD, insert the bootable USB you have creared, go to BIOS screen and move to Boot tab, use F6 button to bring bootable USB disk to first boot device position, press F10 to save the settings and exit BIOS, when the laptop reboots it will start the installation process, then you transfer all your important data(Pics, Documments etc.) from the HDD to another spare HDD to be on the safe side, once you are happy with the fresh installation, you can format the original HDD and use it for storage.
    You don't need to know the Product ID for activation because it's embedded in your system and it will be done automatically.
    Clean Install Windows 10 | Tutorials (
    Download Windows 10 (
    Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

    After installing a fresh copy of Windows on the newly installed SSD, I can't connect the HDD with the laptop before removing Windows from it?

    At present both of my external HDDs are at my home and I'm around 2000kms away from my home due to my job. All the necessary softwares & laptop/ssd drivers and application copies are stored on the D drive of my existing laptop HDD.

    I have one more doubt...

    After fixing the SSD with my laptop do I have to install it's driver first and then I have to disconnect the existing HDD to install a fresh copy of Windows on the SSD? OR after fixing the SSD I can be able to install Windows on it without installing it's drivers first?
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    You can connect the HDD without deleting the OS but the system might try to boot from it, if it does boot with HDD, try going to BIOS and change the boot order to make SSD as your first boot device.
    You can install the drivers after you have installed the fresh Windows 10 in your SSD, you don't have to install drivers before installing Windows in the new drive.
  • Himadri
    Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    You can connect the HDD without deleting the OS but the system might try to boot from it, if it does boot with HDD, try going to BIOS and change the boot order to make SSD as your first boot device.
    You can install the drivers after you have installed the fresh Windows 10 in your SSD, you don't have to install drivers before installing Windows in the new drive.
    Thanks a lot Bro...  <3

    I'll share my feedback to you once everything are done...

    SSD & RAM both are in transit now. I'll get those soon.
  • Himadri
    Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    That's fine, you can download iso from Microsoft and create a bootable installation media(USB), remove the HDD and install the new M.2 SSD, insert the bootable USB you have creared, go to BIOS screen and move to Boot tab, use F6 button to bring bootable USB disk to first boot device position, press F10 to save the settings and exit BIOS, when the laptop reboots it will start the installation process, then you transfer all your important data(Pics, Documments etc.) from the HDD to another spare HDD to be on the safe side, once you are happy with the fresh installation, you can format the original HDD and use it for storage.
    You don't need to know the Product ID for activation because it's embedded in your system and it will be done automatically.
    Clean Install Windows 10 | Tutorials (
    Download Windows 10 (
    Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way
    After installing a fresh copy of Windows on the newly installed SSD, I can't connect the HDD with the laptop before removing Windows from it.

    At present both of my external HDDs are at my home and I'm around 2000kms away from my home due to my job. All the necessary software copies & laotop/ssd drivers and applications copies are stored on the D drive of my existing HDD.

    I have one more doubt...
    After fixing the SSD with my laptop do I have to install it's driver first and then I have to disconnect the existing HDD to install a fresh copy of Windows on the SSD? OR after fixing the SSD I can be able to install Windows on it without installing it's drivers first?
  • Himadri
    Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    Himadri said:
    You can connect the HDD without deleting the OS but the system might try to boot from it, if it does boot with HDD, try going to BIOS and change the boot order to make SSD as your first boot device.
    You can install the drivers after you have installed the fresh Windows 10 in your SSD, you don't have to install drivers before installing Windows in the new drive.
    Thanks a lot Bro...  <3

    I'll share my feedback to you once everything are done...

    SSD & RAM both are in transit now. I'll get those soon.

    That SSD is working very much well with my laptop...

    RAM is still in transit now. I'll get it by 31.07.2021.

    Thanks again...

  • Himadri
    Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    You are welcome  :)

    Hi Bro,

    I got that 16GB-2400 Crucial RAM today.

    But after installing that RAM my laptop is not turning on. Means power light & cooling fan are turning on but the display is not.

    When I'm removing that RAM or installing that old 4GB RAM, my laptop is working fine.

    Is the RAM faulty OR my laptop is not supporting 16GB RAM?
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Himadri said:
    You are welcome  :)

    Hi Bro,

    I got that 16GB-2400 Crucial RAM today.

    But after installing that RAM my laptop is not turning on. Means power light & cooling fan are turning on but the display is not.

    When I'm removing that RAM or installing that old 4GB RAM, my laptop is working fine.

    Is the RAM faulty OR my laptop is not supporting 16GB RAM?
    I think Crucial might be wrong in advertising 20GB as the maximum memory in this model, it should be 12GB(4GB onboard+8GB), I would suggest you return the module and get a 8GB module, I also couldn't find anyone installing 16GB module in this model.
    Acer Aspire 3 A315-53-317G Laptop Memory RAM & SSD Upgrades | Kingston (
    Acer Aspire A315-53 Performance Results - UserBenchmark
  • Himadri
    Himadri Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    Himadri said:
    You are welcome  :)

    Hi Bro,

    I got that 16GB-2400 Crucial RAM today.

    But after installing that RAM my laptop is not turning on. Means power light & cooling fan are turning on but the display is not.

    When I'm removing that RAM or installing that old 4GB RAM, my laptop is working fine.

    Is the RAM faulty OR my laptop is not supporting 16GB RAM?
    I think Crucial might be wrong in advertising 20GB as the maximum memory in this model, it should be 12GB(4GB onboard+8GB), I would suggest you return the module and get a 8GB module, I also couldn't find anyone installing 16GB module in this model.
    Acer Aspire 3 A315-53-317G Laptop Memory RAM & SSD Upgrades | Kingston (
    Acer Aspire A315-53 Performance Results - UserBenchmark
    Got you bro.

    But the problem is that these is no return option available. Only replacement (with a new 16GB same RAM) option is available.