Customer Support for an extenuating circumstance.

Tommycasavant Member Posts: 10


On December 24, 2019 I made the mistake of purchasing an acer product.

From very early on I detected issues with the power supply for my product and very shortly after purchase these issues escalated.  It made noises indicating that the device had just been plugged in or unplugged dispite the fact that the laptop was sitting motionless on the table top.

After far too many phone calls to your company, and sending my device in to be repaired more than once, you admitted my divice was faulty and replaced it.

That was all well and good at the time, but I was still uneasy and kept the shipping box knowing deep down that I would likely need it again and I was proven right.  My new laptop is now no longer charging and I am unable to get in touch with your customer service as my SNID number claims that my warranty is expired, but I would very much beg to differ given the difficulties your company imposed on me and the length of time it took to simply get a working divice.

How can I talk to someone directly about the terrible customer service I have recieved and what to do moving forward to have a reliable device as I believed I was purchasing initially.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    You're posting to an ACER users forum. We are users trying to help other users like you, not ACER employees or customer service reps. Since the warranty has expired and depending on the full ACER model number, new replacement chargers are usually less than about $25usd. Accordingly, I suggest that you google search keywords your full  model number (for example E5-575) & charger for vendors who ship to your location.

    Jack E/NJ

  • Tommycasavant
    Tommycasavant Member Posts: 10


    edited July 2021
    I understand that this is a forum for Acer users, but I am looking for a way to speak with Acer directly.  Chargers start at around 60 CAN at any of the local stores.  I know because this is already the fifth cable that I have used in connection with this laptop or the initial one that I purchased.

    Simply put - I shouldn't be out the cash when this is an issue that I have had since well within the warranty.  The fact that they replaced my device is acknowledgement that there was an initial issue, and that I am having the issue again on the replacement is proof ACER has problems engineering workable devices.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>> I know because this is already the fifth cable that I have used in connection with this laptop or the initial one that I purchased.

    Cable??? I thought it was the charger? If ACER has replaced this cable five times something wrong with the way it's being plugged in???

    >>> It made noises indicating that the device had just been plugged in or unplugged dispite the fact that the laptop was sitting motionless on the table top.>>>

    If this is the problem, this is exactly how it's supposed to work. If power goes out or unplugged, you hear a beep or boop. Same if power is restored?

    Jack E/NJ

  • Callistemon
    Callistemon Member Posts: 106 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    I understand that this is a forum for Acer users, but I am looking for a way to speak with Acer directly.  Chargers start at around 60 CAN at any of the local stores.  I know because this is already the fifth cable that I have used in connection with this laptop or the initial one that I purchased.

    Simply put - I shouldn't be out the cash when this is an issue that I have had since well within the warranty.  The fact that they replaced my device is acknowledgement that there was an initial issue, and that I am having the issue again on the replacement is proof ACER has problems engineering workable devices.
    So they replaced the device and you have tried multiple chargers/cables, right? Which chargers have you been using? If they are aftermarket chargers, then they may be low-quality or of the wrong size, and could have damaged the plug even if the plug was replaced. The genuine chargers are reasonably priced for the quality, but the warranty is absurdly short. A 5-year warranty would be more reasonable.
  • Tommycasavant
    Tommycasavant Member Posts: 10


    Nah.  I have only ever used cables that were provided by the company and ACER just kept sending me cables as a band-aid solution before they finally admitted there was a problem and replaced my unit altogether.

    I know that there is an audio alert power notification but the noise wasn't the issue - the spontaneous losses of power that CAUSED the noises were.  It would be sitting on my tabletop plugged in with power not being touched and would spontaneously lose power and make that noise.  Sometimes the device would loose power and regain it multiple times in a 5 second span which is not good for any of the parts inside which was one of the reasons I insisted on a replacement in September when they finally acknowledged the issue. I priced out the charging cable at a few stores out of interest at that time out of concern that I would need to keep replacing them beyond the warranty period but never bought.

    This afternoon I ended up speaking to sales instead who passed me on to corporate and I spoke with a woman who had helped me with the original ordeal and she is trying to help me out now - they are sending me a "courtesy cable" to see if that helps and half off the cost of battery repair if that doesn't work.  I appreciate the help and feel that woman is doing all she can, but I resent ANY cost incurred as ACER wasted February to September of my warrantee insisting that there was no issue and sending cables that only made the problems less severe temporarily.  Those 8 months that ACER wasted (eventually conceding that there was an issue in the form of replacing my device) would more than bring me to the present - particularly given that because of the deal with the future shop I purchased it under had me covered until March of this year.

    I understand that this an issue that fellow ACER users can't help me with now that I've figured out how to get in touch with people higher up, but  felt that I should clarify any questions you had and keep an honest log of this ordeal for anyone who happened to have read this while I was trying to find a way to speak with someone.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Good luck.    :) Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ