XB273U can't see the G-Sync option on Nvidia control panel.

Gaalee Member Posts: 1 New User
Hi, I just receive my Predator XB273U Monitor, it look really good, but when i tried to able G-Sync i was unable to find the G-Sync option on Nvidia control panel. See this image (it's in french but you should be able to tell that there is not the G-Sync menu).

My monitor use a DP, Nvidia & Windows 10 up to date, GPU is GTX970 right now. I tried to test with the G-Sync Pendulum demo but here again, when i try to select the G-Sync option i can't, it goes back to V-Sync or No V-sync immediately.
I checked for driver on Acer website and i found this https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/8195?b=1 but it contain three files (.cat, .icm and .inf), which non of them are executable or something similar so i'm confuse on how to use that type of driver ?

So yeah, I tried a lot of things already but still can't able to use that technologie. Any idea how to resolve my issue ?


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Are there any vrr options in the OSD? I know on some Acer models you need to turn it on on the monitor first