calmchowder Member Posts: 1 New User
I have an acer aspire that blue screened on me a few days ago and turned back on to the "No Bootable Device" screen. I followed the steps to fix this from the website ( ) which worked and it turned back on. but the next day it blue screened on me again, and has continued to do so about 20 times since, this time without the bootable device screen. The errors I get are mostly MEMORY_MANAGMENT and occasionally PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. I know this means that there is something wrong with my RAM or hard drive but everything ive done to try and figure out what exactly is wrong, or fix it, has resulted in nothing. Any changes I make to my computer like updating drivers for example, will result in a BSOD. If I do manage to update the drivers without it blue screening somehow, when I restart my computer manually it resets to before the drivers updated as if nothing happened. Even doing system scans or scans on my memory, disk drive, or repairing corrupted files, the same thing still happens. I could delete all the files by hand and when I restart, theyd all be back. Any changes I make don’t matter. When I restart it all resets to before the changes.


Since I couldn’t make any progress this way I decided to save all my important things on an external drive and factory reset, and wipe everything clean. But that didn’t work either. I go through the recovery process, it loads to 100%, and then my computer shuts off and restarts, and everything is still here. And it still continues to blue screen on me.


 If anyone has any advice for something I can try or what the next step I should take is please let me know. I am at a complete loss on what to do. I just bought this computer last year and I really don’t want to have to buy a new one.
