XC885 booting from M.2 NVMe?

Vohmacs Member Posts: 2 New User
I have an XC885.  Can I buy an M.2 NVMe, clone the W10 onto it from its  1 TB HDD, and will it boot from the M.2 NVMe,  without or with  the HDD as data drive??
What I have read about the cloned M.2 and booting  is unfortunately not 100 % clear .
Thank you.
(PS, from Amazon:
The Windows 10 product key is embedded in the BIOS and mainboard, unlike with older versions of Windows in the past that had stickers on the PC. This ships with a utility from Acer to allow the user to create a USB back up of the operating system, in case it needs to be restored back to factory configurations.
Acer America
 Manufacturer · June 11, 2019) 

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