Event viewer - Errors and Warnings - Acer Nitro 5 AN515-53

ShangWang Member Posts: 186 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
edited May 2021 in Nitro Gaming
Hello all,
I have read that having errors and warnings in event viewer is normal, but I'm not sure if some of them might be contributing to momentary freezing when loading web pages. I get these:

Warning 2021-05-26 8:40:10 AM DistributedCOM 10016 None
Warning 2021-05-26 8:35:22 AM User Device Registration 360 None
Warning 2021-05-26 8:34:36 AM Winlogon 6006 None
Warning 2021-05-26 8:31:33 AM Kernel-EventTracing 1 Logging
Warning 2021-05-25 11:44:55 PM DNS Client Events 1014 (1014)
Warning 2021-05-25 11:44:45 PM WLAN-AutoConfig 10002 None
Error 2021-05-25 11:22:55 PM Service Control Manager 7024 None
Error 2021-05-25 11:22:55 PM Bits-Client 16392 None
Error 2021-05-25 9:39:50 PM TimerBenchHookService64 0 None
Error 2021-05-25 9:39:50 PM TimerBenchHookService32 0 None

In the past I have done clean installations and repair installs of windows, but I still get momentary freezing when opening apps, scrolling, or clicking any GUI at random. I have done chkdsk, sfc scans, windows update resets, and DISM.

Are any of these harmful? I don't notice any problems on my computer other than the freezing. I noticed some of these warnings can be solved by editing with registries but I don't see why a clean installation of windows would need to do that.

//Edited the content to add model name.
