z321qu Do i need to replace my monitor?

JoeFloyd Member Posts: 5 New User
edited May 2021 in Monitors
my z321qu has a vertical dark section on the left side of the screen. its most likely a few leds went out, Can i get a replacement? I havent had it a year yet even. please and thank you for the help.this it on with a white screen to show you the black section.

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,806 Pathfinder
    Yes, you can contact Acer for repair or replacement if your monitor is still in warranty.
    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    Are you sure it is the problem with the monitor, and not the graphics ports or bad cable?

    Try use this monitor with other PC and change cables first before declaring the monitor dead.
  • JoeFloyd
    JoeFloyd Member Posts: 5 New User
    Too late for a refund...refund ended last month. I should have returned it when the tall dark spot appeared on the screen. It lasted maybe 3 days the first time until i turned her on one morning and she had no darkeded areas.But after two weeks it came back. I did call amazon to dispute the faulty refurbish job but they told me to get ahold of acer and acer told me to go back to amazon and if they didnt help me they would.......sounds like to me they were just taking their sweet *****$ time to help me so that my year warranty would expire. Ive heard some horror stories about microjippers sorry i mean micro CENTER...Ill never buy another acer product again. Hey at least i was able to get a 3080 at really close to esrp. Im letting my pc buddies know what happened to me, let them know to just buy pc parts from NEWEGG!!!!
  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Their delay tactics got you. 
    I am always skeptical about refurbished electronics products. If they have so many refurbished products to sell for that particularly model, that means it is the design fault, not just the problem of one particular bad lot.

    A lesson learnt. 
  • JoeFloyd
    JoeFloyd Member Posts: 5 New User
    edited May 2021
    In this situation, you could be right. but I have to humbly disagree on your stance against refurbished electronics.the reason refurbished is better than new most of the time is the fact that a tech went throughout the entire monitor and tested everything .then replaced the faulty parts. I've bought a few flat screens that didn't even turn on when I first bought them brand new. I'm talking about reputable businesses that are honest and kind and know that the customer is always right. I'm over it....almost..that ***** thing cost me over $600 dollars.got it for my rtx 3080 and my i7 10700k.....thanks all.gg!
  • JoeFloyd
    JoeFloyd Member Posts: 5 New User
    Do you really think the cables could be to blame? Im using a cable that came free in a bundle...it seemed to work fine...I had it overclocked and runnin 165fps....im using a Display port.
  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    I am not saying the cables could be to blame but cables can be bad too. If you tested the cable is good and the video port is good, then you can conclude that the monitor is bad. It is the Process of Elimination in PC repairing.

    I seldom buy refurbished electronic products. With my limited experiences with refurbished products, even the refurbished products worked fine for a while, they still failed much faster than I expected. We have different experiences.
  • JoeFloyd
    JoeFloyd Member Posts: 5 New User
    For sure bro thank you.I've been going through the process. Have a good ing.