Black Screen after Acer Logo Aspire E ES1-512

angiecross Member Posts: 1 New User
edited May 2021 in Aspire Laptops
ES1-512 series
model no. MS2394
windows 8.1
the last time i turned off my laptop was when it blocked. when i turned it on, it didn’t get past the acer logo.
it already happened a few times before, but i always managed to resolve it, though i don’t really remember how. i just remember i did it with a few tries. 
I already tried changing the boot order to the setup default, but it doesn’t work. 
Please answer if you can help me

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • Balatekie
    Balatekie ACE Posts: 1,353 Pioneer
    Hi @angiecross

    You can try doing Battery Reset through the pin hole at bottom of laptop. Flip the laptop and locate the battery reset pin hole. Then  please insert suitable tool like paper clip or pin and hold for 30 seconds. Then try powering on the unit. 

     :) If you think I've answered your question, please hit the Accept Answer:)

  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi angiecross,

    # Try to get the BIOS page.
    1. Turn OFF the unit.
    ​2. Press and hold the F2 key and turn on the unit. 
    3. You will be in setup utility page. 
    4. Once you got the screen release the F2 key.
    5. Tap on F9 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    6. Tap on F10 key and hit enter key without changing the option.
    7. Your unit will restart by itself. 

    Check this T/S and post the result.