eRecovery Instructions Predator Triton 500

sjrobinson Member Posts: 1 New User
edited May 2021 in Predator Laptops
I have a Predator Triton 500 with a new drive that had Windows 10 installed. There's no factory recovery partition and I'm having issues with the RTX 2060 not detected or showing under device manager, even hidden. I installed all the drivers and programs through Acers website and BIOS is updated but nothing worked. 

My first step is to install the factory build with all the drivers and programs. I ordered an eRecovery USB, but there are no instructions and any information regarding eRecovery is irrelevant. There's no management software and Alt-f10 doesn't work. When installing eRecovery Management I get an error message: eRecovery can not be installed - 1.Bootable File.

Anyone know how to use the eRecovery USB for Windows 10 on a Predator laptop?


Thread was edited to add model name to the title