What causes USB inputs to behave unstable and continuously disconnect device?

my mouse, audio, and keyboard stop will not stay connected USB inputs on rear and from of computer have no stability.  How can I fix this USB issue?


  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    Possibly one of the USB devices or cables is faulty causing the others to be erratic ??  You'll have to eliminate one at a time. BTW the colored ports (Blue on my TC-895-UA92) are the faster 3.0  on newer computers.
     Give us model # etc. 
  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Are you using wireless keyboard/mouse? If yes, check battery.

    Also, check connection to the motherboard, is it kind of loose?