40 ° - 55 ° is a normal temperature to be at rest? Predator Triton 300

ElSarvboh Member Posts: 5


edited April 2021 in Predator Laptops
I recently acquired a Predator Triton 300 laptop and it was my first time with a laptop of this level, I knew that the temperature was something that had to be handled carefully in a laptop, at first I just limited myself to giving the laptop a good support to that the fans work correctly, even so a few days ago I decided to see how much this laptop could do and I tried a mod that requires a lot in terms of processing, I saw that it ran very well, stable fps, all flawless but when I saw the temperature I saw that it was at 98 ° this alarmed me and I immediately closed the game and let the laptop cool down (since I opened the game the turbo mode was always activated), after a few minutes I went to 60 ° and turned off the laptop to cool down more, the I left about 10 minutes maybe and then I saw the temperature again and it stayed at 60 ° - 50 ° even though I had the turbo mode activated, when I saw that when I opened the predator sense (the program to see the temperature) it was when nothing happened to 5 0 ° 60 °, I decided to close the program and see if this way the laptop cooled down, at that time I went to google to investigate a little about normal cpu temperatures, after a while I saw that the temperature dropped to 40 ° - 50 ° , after another while I finally went down to 30 ° - 40 °, I turned off the turbo mode and calmed down and kept looking at google topics about the cpu temperature, after a while I decided to see the temperature, opened the program and appeared first 37 °, but after nothing it went to the range of 50 ° - 60 ° or stayed at 60 ° or even went up and only with the chrome open plus the predator sense, I would like to know if this is normal, if I should worry more than what that I am already and what temperatures are normal for this laptop and what temperature reaches its limit, thanks for reading


  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,850 Pathfinder
    40-55C is fine for idling. When it reaches around 95 or more, it will start throttling until it cools down.
    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!