Solution Acer Aspire ES 15 (ES1-533-C3UW): Legacy BIOS Missing

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This discussion was created from comments split from: Acer Aspire ES 15 (ES1-533-C3UW): Legacy BIOS Missing.


  • pishiepow
    pishiepow Member Posts: 1 New User
    i'm saw this answer and i want to make it more clarified here with my personal observations, trying to make linux run smooth on this laptop acer es1-533:

    i'm running manjaro, so few commands for downloading grub2 are maybe not included (if you get problems if you run ubuntu, then check this up post, how to use commands to update grub via apt-get, as manjaro downloads and install grub with diffrent commands.
    i suppose, you already installed grub on EFI partition, folowing upper link to answer, and if you're manjaro, you can get black grub2 terminal screen, if you do, here is way how to boot linux and set up grub properly:  ,  (or boot via live usb)


    so, my clarification on that answer is, that, it installs grub, but, when you boot only linux, or dual boot it with windows (when you run linux, it have delay, but when you run windows, it is fast), bios to boot takes 10 seconds, and, also, don't shut down correctly (maybe this is soution, why when you shut down linux, it doesn't shut down, but freezes on shutdown, because of bad uefi implementation from manufacturer "acer", uefi don't know what to do)

    so, in order to fix this, you need to:

    mount EFI partition, if you already didn't, last line, is used to backup EFI partiton (if you're on live boot, make sure, to put it in internal hdd before rebooting), just copy created EFI folder in desktop, and move it in internal hdd, so you can always revert and try diffrent approach (and not to have reinstall grub)
    sudo mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi<br>sudo cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI ~/Desktop
    now type this command

    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    to create grub.cfg and grubenv files for your installation. grub.cfg, is used by grub to read where systems are stored, and grubenv too. so it can find system without need to manually go to grub terminal everytime.

    so, go to that directory
    <code><code><code><pre>cd /boot/grub/<br>//check if grub.cfg and grubenv files are there, with ls command<br>ls<br>//if yes, then start copying to EFI partition this way<br>sudo rm -rf /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg<br>sudo rm -rf /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grubenv<br>//take a note, it doesn't have to be ubuntu folder for next command, but sure way to check it is via<br>ls /mnt/boot/efi/EFI<br>//check how folder is called, it can be called ubuntu, grub, debian, or whatever distro you're using, <br>//for this example, it's ubuntu (as you already followed tutorial from stackoverflow<br>sudo rm -rf /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg<br>sudo rm -rf /mnt/bootefi/EFI/ubuntu/grubenv<br><br>//and then copy from /boot/grub/ to EFI<br>sudo cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg<br>sudo cp /boot/grub/grubenv /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grubenv<br>sudo cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg<br>sudo cp /boot/grub/grubenv /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubenv<br><br>//YAY, WORST PART IS OVER, NOW COMES HALF OF OTHER HARD PART TOO<br><code><code>

    Now, depending what you want, do you want to dual boot it with windows or use linux on whole hdd.

    I will explain you first how to set up dual boot with windows first

    This is simple, because, with upper commands, and grub enumerating all partitions and bootloaders (Operating Systems on HDD), we already
    made it.

    And windows will show in grub menu to boot from.
    You will have no delay in booting BIOS, and you wont get any trouble turning off linux OS.

    But, you will encounter, that you can't boot into grub without using F12 menu.

    So, to fix that, you need to isntall it from here:

    download Trial version, enought to do the job

    When you download it, install it in windows OS, and go to "Manage UEFI", and you will see

    "Windows Boot Manager"

    click on "Windows Boot Manager" and click on "Disable" in taskabar in the middle of program.
    That will disable "Windows Boot Manager" as it interferes with grub.

    You can uninstall it.

    And reboot

    You will see grub menu, and windows and linux to boot from


    If you want to have linux on whole HDD, you will encounter issues with BIOS loading 10 seconds to load grub menu (altrought linux, when grub  starts, linux will work fast and reliable), and when you turn off linux, you will get freeze, and you need to press power button to shut it down.
    which makes it look unstable and unreliable, like when you turn it off, you need to wait a few moments just so you could turn it off with long holding power button, not very convenient for anybody.

    So, this is happening, because when you removed Windows partition (partitioned whole drive), you still get EFI partition untouched (as linux installer, wont mess or format EFI partiton), so EFI partition is untouched.
    When BIOS boots, it it trying to enumerate it's contents, hard drives mostly, so it can boot from.
    And EFI partition still contains "Microsoft" folder, which is full of Misrosoft recovery modes, bootloaders, various testing utilities, and most importantly, paths to boot windows from), and when BIOS starts, it tries to find those files from windows, which is deleted.
    And it takes time, so it could finally find linux partition.

    To get over this problem you need to delete "Microsoft" folder in EFI partition, boot into your linux OS, or live from USB an type

    <code>sudo mkdir /mnt/boot/efi<br><br>cd /mnt/boot/efi/EFI<br><br>//list contents of folder<br>ls<br>//check if there's "Microsoft" folder, if it is, delete it<br><br>sudo rm -r Microsoft<br></code> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi<br>//if it throws folder don't exist, you need to create it

    And that's it, reboot it one more time (you will need to shut it down by long holding power button, like before, just this time)
    and when it boots again, it should be instantly booting, without 10 seconds waiting, and you can try to shut it down, and it will shut down correctly, without need to hold power after linux powered off.

    if it still persist, give it one or two more try, to reboot, and it will behave normally.