CPU and GPU temp. PO3-620

Darcus Member Posts: 14


edited March 2021 in Predator Desktops
So, i just want to know, my cpu is running between 70-80% on black desert online very high settings. And the temp is 80C -84C and my fans are at max speed, ofc i had the windows closed bec its cold outside, so i open them now, so it will be less when my room get cold. And my gpu is 70-75C in 70% usage. My question is, is these temp normal for that amount of usage, or should i change cooling asap ? I have pre-built pc PO3-620 cpu core i7-10700f GPU= RTX 3070. It has 2 fans (Frost blader) one on the bottom and the second at the back top. At max speed they run at 3420-3475 RPM each. Hope that enough info for my question, thx in advance x).

Thread was edited to add model name to the title

Best Answer

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓
    Hi there again!

    I know, I know! It does sound silly to replace the TIM on a brand new computer, but it can help. I base my claim on a Acer Predator Orion discussion thread on a Finnish tech site called io-tech.fi. Below is a direct quote, although in Finnish. I translated the most relevant parts. You can Google Translate the whole thing if you want.

    "Komponenttien saatavuuden ja osittain pakettikoneen vaivattomuuden vuoksi päädyin tilaamaan tämän Acerin Gigantin tarjouksesta.

    Kone saapui viikko sitten, oli kevyellä käytöllä aluksi mutta tuuletinmelu oli silti vielä odotuksiani kovempi. Meinasin hyväksyä tilanteen, kunnes satuin katsomaan lämpöjä. Kaikki threadit 100% kuormalla (keinotekoinen kuorma 7zipin benchmarkilla) CPU-lämmöt hyppäsivät tasaiseen 99 asteeseen Acerin oman softan mukaan. Tässä kohtaa tuli jo epätoivoinen fiilis, että mitä sitä tuli ostettua ja mikä rumba seuraa, jos tuota haluaa palauttaa.

    Kaverin heiton pohjalta päädyin kuitenkin vaihtamaan lämpötahnat, jos siitä olisi pikainen apu asiaan (Noctua NT-H1). No todellakin oli, lämmöt putosi 99 asteesta 75 asteeseen, melutaso putosi myös siedettävälle tasolle.

    Tällä hetkellä varsin tyytyväinen ostokseen, hinta-laatu-vaivattomuus kohdallaan, vaikka tuo lämpötahnasäätö hetken ottikin aivoon.

    I bought the computer because of lack of components and the ease of getting a prebuild.

    The machine came a week ago, but the fans were noisier than expected. [...] When I checked the temps (while running 7zip benchmark), the CPU temps jumped up to 99C according to Acer's own software.

    Half jokingly a friend suggested replacing thermal paste (Noctua NT-H1). The temps plummeted from 99C to 75C and the noise was more bearable.

    As it is now the person who wrote this is pretty happy with his purchase, esp. considering the price, quality and ease of not building a new system. [...]

    See, it might make quite an difference. Of course it is up to you if want to go through it. The operation itself isn't that difficult or costly. Like I said earlier, if you are not up to it maybe a friend of yours can do it for you. I think it is worth a try.


  • Jack22
    Jack22 ACE Posts: 4,314 Pathfinder
    Nitro and predator products are engineered to withstand higher operating temperatures than traditional notebooks. These systems include features that help with cooling and heat dispersion. The CPU and GPU are designed to handle temperature spikes in excess of 98 degrees Celsius without causing damage to the components. It is common for PC temperatures to spike temporarily during heavy gaming or graphic usage. If the system encounters excessive temperatures that could damage the hardware, it will automatically shut down to protect the components from becoming damaged.
    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!
  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    Firstly, OP has a desktop and not a notebook or laptop.

    Secondly, manufacturers use same or slightly modified components in their prebuilds. Therefore to claim that "Predator products are engineered to withstand higher operating temperatures" is not true.

    When CPU throttles or the system shuts down there's something wrong with the design or manufacturer's choice of cooling components./OFF TOPIC


    I'm not familiar with the game you mentioned, but know that the temps vary game by game, resolution by resolution and by the settings used; the bigger the resolution and the more eye-candy you have => more taxing it is and causes higher temps.

    I'd guess that this game isn't that taxing because your GPU is running at 70%. Of course this could also mean that although your CPU is operating as fast as it can it is still not fast enough to keep your GPU fully utilized.

    What monitor do you have?
    What FPS does it support?

    If your monitor/TV can show only 60FPS but your GPU pushes way over that (100+), one way to lower heat and noise would be to cap the max. FPS in the game.

    Next time leave Windows Task Manager's Performance Tab running on the background. If your CPU throttles while gaming because of the temps, I'd replace the original TIM (Thermal Interface Material) on the CPU and see if the temps get better. Hey, wasn't it on this very forum where someone did this and the temps dropped more than 10C? (I may mix this with some other forum but the PC was the same as yours.)
  • Darcus
    Darcus Member Posts: 14


    My pc doesnt slow down or anything yet, i just look at temp and i am afraid he might later on if i kept it like that without making sure everything is fine, i have 240hz monitor: acer XB253Q 1920x1080p 240hz 0.5ms. The game i play is basically MMORPG, but with a very high graphics, my pc was able to even handle the Ultra mode, which they warned me as:This mode is made for taking pic and recording not advised for playing. Even tho the mode is tooo high for playing, my pc was able to run it at 70 FPS. So the performance are so good i would say, but when i looked up online about temp, it seems everyone says that i have to keep my cpu under 85C for health purposes of my pc, (to live longer or protect it from damage) thats why i was thinking that the cooling might be weak, or there is smthing that i dont know about pc or temp that actually makes it confusing to me.

    Thats why i wanted to know if its ok for the temp to be like that, or is the pc underperforming the cooling. But i would say that again to make my self clear, everything working great, nothing is lagging FPS is fantastic and i have 240hz monitor and i have the 240hz enabled, so everything i do would be always nicer with more fps. My GPU, also has the ability to run dynamic super resolution up to: 3840 x 2160 (x4.0) "incase if it actually matters" I have that option in nvidia control panel.
  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    If all runs well I think there's no need to worry too much. The CPU can handle the temp you mentioned, although it's running a bit too hot for my taste. The good thing is that CPU is not throttling and thus keep you back.

    I'd look into replacing the thermal paste as it should bring the temp down quite a bit. If you haven't build a PC before, I'm sure you have a friend who can do it for you. Youtube has about zillion videos how to do it.

    Anyway, driving 240Hz at FullHD outside of CS is pretty hard. l am quite happy with 4K60 because I don't know any better! *Haha!*
  • Darcus
    Darcus Member Posts: 14


    But my pc is literally 1 week old, its pre built. Are u sure i have to switch the thermal paste ? Like it didnt get old to do so.
  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓
    Hi there again!

    I know, I know! It does sound silly to replace the TIM on a brand new computer, but it can help. I base my claim on a Acer Predator Orion discussion thread on a Finnish tech site called io-tech.fi. Below is a direct quote, although in Finnish. I translated the most relevant parts. You can Google Translate the whole thing if you want.

    "Komponenttien saatavuuden ja osittain pakettikoneen vaivattomuuden vuoksi päädyin tilaamaan tämän Acerin Gigantin tarjouksesta.

    Kone saapui viikko sitten, oli kevyellä käytöllä aluksi mutta tuuletinmelu oli silti vielä odotuksiani kovempi. Meinasin hyväksyä tilanteen, kunnes satuin katsomaan lämpöjä. Kaikki threadit 100% kuormalla (keinotekoinen kuorma 7zipin benchmarkilla) CPU-lämmöt hyppäsivät tasaiseen 99 asteeseen Acerin oman softan mukaan. Tässä kohtaa tuli jo epätoivoinen fiilis, että mitä sitä tuli ostettua ja mikä rumba seuraa, jos tuota haluaa palauttaa.

    Kaverin heiton pohjalta päädyin kuitenkin vaihtamaan lämpötahnat, jos siitä olisi pikainen apu asiaan (Noctua NT-H1). No todellakin oli, lämmöt putosi 99 asteesta 75 asteeseen, melutaso putosi myös siedettävälle tasolle.

    Tällä hetkellä varsin tyytyväinen ostokseen, hinta-laatu-vaivattomuus kohdallaan, vaikka tuo lämpötahnasäätö hetken ottikin aivoon.

    I bought the computer because of lack of components and the ease of getting a prebuild.

    The machine came a week ago, but the fans were noisier than expected. [...] When I checked the temps (while running 7zip benchmark), the CPU temps jumped up to 99C according to Acer's own software.

    Half jokingly a friend suggested replacing thermal paste (Noctua NT-H1). The temps plummeted from 99C to 75C and the noise was more bearable.

    As it is now the person who wrote this is pretty happy with his purchase, esp. considering the price, quality and ease of not building a new system. [...]

    See, it might make quite an difference. Of course it is up to you if want to go through it. The operation itself isn't that difficult or costly. Like I said earlier, if you are not up to it maybe a friend of yours can do it for you. I think it is worth a try.
  • Darcus
    Darcus Member Posts: 14


    I see, reasonable. But ill pass it for now, if it started to actually go over 85C ill replace the thermal paste or at least ill try to.
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