CPU and GPU temperature predator 5000 orion

Tedos Member Posts: 7


edited March 2021 in Predator Desktops
since I bought my PC when I start playing the Temperature becomes 80 or 81 all the time how to fix this problem?


  • Jack22
    Jack22 ACE Posts: 4,314 Pathfinder
    The predator and Nitro products are engineered to withstand higher operating temperatures than traditional notebooks. These systems include features that help with cooling and heat dispersion. The CPU and GPU are designed to handle temperature spikes in excess of 98 degrees Celsius without causing damage to the components. It is common for PC temperatures to spike temporarily during heavy gaming or graphic usage. If the system encounters excessive temperatures that could damage the hardware, it will automatically shut down to protect the components from becoming damaged.
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  • Tedos
    Tedos Member Posts: 7


    Thank you for your reply guys I just want you to know what I have is predator 5000 orion
    intel 7 9th gen  RTX 2070.