ram slots in Task Mgr and CMD / Battery taking to long to charge from 94% to 100% - Aspire A515-56G

lpnaranjo Member Posts: 3 New User
edited March 2021 in Aspire Laptops
Hello! I have 2 questions in relation to my new laptop Aspire A515-56G.

The first questions is, why the task manager and CMD say the laptop has 8 ram slots when it actually has only 2 ram slots? I wanted checked that with Acer Tech support by phone but I didnt received a clarifing straight forward answer. Is it good or bad? Is there something wrong with the laptop or the motherboard or something like that? Maybe an internal shortcut generating that mistaken report on task manager and cmd? This a 4-days brand new laptop by the way. On the "ram slots" image you will se how CMD and Task Mgr say the latop has 8 ram slots.

The second question is, why is this brand new laptop taking so long to complete the 100% battery charge when its over 90%. It takes around 30 to 40 minutes to go from 93% or 94% to 100%. On image "battery report A" you will see how the laptop was forecasting 48 minutes to go from 97% to 100% and that was what it actually took it to get to the 100% charge.
On image "battery report B" you will se that the laptop was forecasting to take 3 minutes to go from 96% to 100% but it actually took it more than 30 minutes to get the full charge because I was already waiting for some 5 or 8 minutes when it first said 96% 3 minutes to full charge at 7:10 PM. This delay is happening when it reaches the 90s % because it easily charges up pretty fast upto that percentage.

I really like this laptop but please help me to understand what is happening. If this 2 things or either of them are an issue with the laptop then it is important for me to be able to know and recognize that so I can go back to the store and return it to get it replaced.  And I have just a couple of days before the return policy expires this next Friday March 5th.

You can find the images in here as for some reason this website is not taking them.

Please help me asap and thanks in advance.....!

​​​//Edited the content to add model name on title.


  • lpnaranjo
    lpnaranjo Member Posts: 3 New User
    Note: on the battery issue I just wanted to enphasize that the latop has always have the power adapter connected with to interruption, and I have monitored the changes in percentage every +/- 5 minutes as you can also see on the "Battery Report C PDF" file in the same shared drive. Thank you..... please help me ......
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,213 Trailblazer
    Battery monitors are notoriously innaccurate particularly on time till full charge. You can improve its accuracy and calibration somewhat by cycling or discharging the battery below the 10% warning a few times instead of keeping in plugged in all the time. As far as the RAM slot numbers, it's likely the number is referring to the total GB RAM installed in both slots.

    Jack E/NJ

  • lpnaranjo
    lpnaranjo Member Posts: 3 New User
    "Battery monitors are notoriously innaccurate particularly on time till full charge":
    I just realize of that and actually now I am calibrating my new laptop battery through the Acer care center. I always thought technology was at least 95% trust worthy. Thanks for this one.

    "...instead of keeping  it plugged in all the time":
    I never said I was keeping the power adapter connected ALL the time. I just mean to say, and I think it was clear by context, that I was charging the battery without power interruptions.

    "As far as the RAM slot numbers, it's likely the number is referring to the total GB RAM installed in both slots": I am new on this blog but not to computers. Not a AAA expert neither. But it is clear that <slots used 2 of 8> is NOT the total GB installed.

    Ok, the laptop had other issues that I forgot to mention and after talking to microsoft and Acer once again the resolution was to return it and that's what I did already.

    Thanks for your interest and time wanting to help JackE. Thank you!

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,213 Trailblazer
    >>>>the resolution was to return it >>>

    That seems like the best decision in your situation. Thanks for reporting back. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ