How I managed to install Ubuntu Linux while not being able to disableOptane/RST/RAID in BIOS Aspire3

rva1945 Member Posts: 6


edited February 2021 in Aspire Laptops
The Aspire 3 came with Windows 10 from factory and started to be problematic after some months. I tried everything to no avail. Then I decided to install Ubuntu even alongside or as a full "occupation" of the notebook. But during install the message was always related to not being able to install on a RST system.
I just reasoned that of the two SATA ports, 0 and 1, the latter was the SSD that prevented Ubuntu from installed, so I disabled it in the BIOS and now I am writing this in Ubuntu Linux as a full install (I tried to leave the Windows partition but there were messages about problems with it).

Just my 2 cents.


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