Aspire E15 E5-575-59ZR - Underclocked?

kranklebuss Member Posts: 11


edited February 2021 in Aspire Laptops
Hi there, in the course of upgrading my RAM I found that it was limited to about 2130MHz. This is true for both the old RAM (now removed) and the new, both of which are rated for 2400MHz.

Does anyone know the reason for this?

I haven’t updated (flashed?) the BIOS yet, nor have I gone digging in the settings there. I’m hoping that when I sort it all out I’ll be able to clock the whole system to 2400. Is it sensible to try or are there limitations I’m not aware of?

I know the processor had to be nerfed to address a security concern so maybe it’s something to do with that. On the case it says the processor runs at 2.3-2.8GHz. Maybe I’ve misremembered the current RAM speed but I’m pretty sure it’s ~2130, not ~2310.

Grateful for any help!

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