My predator helios 300 stops charging when it hits 100%

Mohamad_Kaddoura Member Posts: 1 New User
So I'm currently having this problem where when my laptop reaches 100% it makes the beeping noise indicating that charging is disconnected. It switches to the battery for like 10-15 seconds drops to 99% then charges backup to 100% and repeats in a loop. I've done a battery report and looked at other posts but they were of not much help.
Note: The only thing that I ever did to my computer was send it to a shop to replace thermal paste. My warranty is expired either way. I opened the back and all the connections looked fine.

As you can see somehow the full charge capacity exceeds that of the design. I was using the computer and then randomly the issue appeared!

I tried following some online tutorials to recalibrate my battery as this is what seemed to be the issue. However I did make some changes but I don't know what triggered it, then I got these results

I did some calculations based on wear and tear before the issue appeared and it turns out that my computer shuts down early. My true battery life seems to be between 17% to 80%
Currently I cannot buy a laptop battery as I do not have the luxury to do so, all I want is some way to tell my computer that it shuts down on 17% and it maxes on out 80%.

My computer is working fine but the fact that while working/gaming at 100% battery keeps making beeping sounds and switches to battery which slows down the performance is getting rather annoying.

Thanks for your help!


  • Rudy21
    Rudy21 ACE Posts: 1,789 Pathfinder
    Hi @Mohamad_Kaddoura,

    Please try re-installing battery drivers and then perform a BIOS defaults. Before doing these steps i would suggest a battery reset.

    Post these tests pleas share an update here.. 
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