Help with my X34

ominous11 Member Posts: 6


Hey everyone,

 So I have the X34 100hz monitor and finally got a 3080 that can run it so I thought ! I think I have a defective card, so I was curious if anyone has a rig like mine and can post their gaming fps. I get:

wow 90-120 frames

cod-cold war  80-90 frames avg

cyberpunk 60frames

These are all ultra setting with RTX

Youtube/google didn't help me to much because I can't find people running a similar monitor at all. Usually its a 27 inch 16:9 1440p so the fps for those games are so much higher this i my rig. task manager say u basically get no usage on the card but I still get good frames ! I've done a list of troubleshooting and nothing fixes that. So my last resort is to match frame-rates and if they match I'm super happy if not ill RMA the card.

Those are just link I posted but not needed to look at, basically i asked other communities to help me troubleshoot my problem but came up short