Acer XSync USB Bridging Cable - Drivers?

2O5 Member Posts: 6


edited January 2021 in Acer Software

Firstly, apologies if I have posted this in the incorrect section, I am new to these forums.

I have purchased an Acer XSync USB Bridging Cable in order to connect and transfer files between my windows laptop and windows PC.
As far as I can tell the serial/product number is either LZ.23800.032 or LZ23800032XXXX

I cannot find any drivers or software to get this cable to actually work. I have searched high and low on the Acer website as well as various search engines but cannot find anything.

If I connect the two devices using the cable, it detects on both as a removable drive with a size of only 0.97MB and if a (very small) file is placed into the drive on one device, it does not transfer over to the other.

Can anybody point me in the right direction to get this cable working?

Many thanks

Edited the content to hide sensitive information


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Which windows version is your PC? It could be a easy transfer cable which works upto windows 8, and there is a "Packard Bell XSync 1.0.752.68. 2" software package floating around on google, the cable seems to have the same serial number

    If both machines are connected to the network, it may be easier to send files over a shared folder as it just two clicks :)

  • 2O5
    2O5 Member Posts: 6


    Hi Leostat, thank you for your response!

    My PC (which I am trying to transfer the files to) is running Windows 10, the Laptop is running Windows 7. Perhaps this is the issue?

    They are both connected to the same home wireless network, however I have looked around and cannot figure out how to set up a shared folder like this
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    It could be!

    And thats ok :), can walk through it! We will make the shared folder on the windows 10 machine, and then can just drop everything into there, and move it around after rather than having to share a million folders on the 7 box.

    In the below we will share the folder without needing to log in, so its very important to turn it off after!

    To share
     1) on the windows 10 machine, head into your documents folder and make a new folder
     2) Right click -> Give access -> The dropdown -> Everyone
     3) You can copy the link and email it to yourself if you want, bu you shouldnt need it :) 

    On the windows 7 machine:
     1) Open explorer
     2) Hit network, wait for the other machine to appear
     3) If it doesnt appear Go back to the windows 10 box goto start -> about this pc and take a note of the device name, this is used below
     4) Back to the windows 7 machine now, goto explorer -> \\DeviceName\
     5) You should now see the shared folder, and be able to copy and paste into it 

    Now we turn the shared folder off
     1) Right click the folder you created 
     2) Give access to -> Remove access

    The reason we are creating it without restictions is i dont think windows 7 would support the login using an outlook account
  • 2O5
    2O5 Member Posts: 6


    Thank you so much for the detailed breakdown, I really appreciate it!

    I got as far as step 4 on the windows 7 machine with no issues, however when I try to access the windows 10 address through the explorer bar.
    I get a Windows Security box which says Enter Network Password with a User name and Password field. I have tried both the user log ins and passwords for both machines but with no success.
  • 2O5
    2O5 Member Posts: 6


    Leostat, please disregard my last comment. I have managed to enter the correct credentials and can now share files back and forth between both machines. I am overwhelmingly grateful to you for your assistance. Thank you again!! :)
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    Eeek! I think i know whats up, did you keep the link in step 3 on the first bit? If not, follow the last bit and turn the shared folder off, and go through it again, 

    The way sharing is handled has changed , so you may need to goto the full path for it to work, i was hoping you wouldnt have to though!

    Thats my fault as i didnt know you needed the full path :), usually you just see what you have access to, and as there is an "everyone" folder, it usually just shows up without logging in
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    Then ignore the above post and transfer them files 👍

    Please don't forget to turn that folder off, as it means *anyone* on the same network can access it! And hit the yes button on posts which answer the Q and it just marks the thread as solved if anyone else has the same problem :)
  • 2O5
    2O5 Member Posts: 6


    No fault of yours at all! It can be challenging enough trying to solve others' technical issues without actually being there. I am endebted to you :)

    I cannot seem to find the yes button at the bottom of the post though...

  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    Ohhhhhhhhh it must be because its in the member lounge so it doesnt see it as a Q, learn something new everyday! Oh well :) maybe one of the staff can mark it on one of their drive by spree's

    And pff you aint, I like hanging round here and helping people
  • 2O5
    2O5 Member Posts: 6


    I appreciate it all the same :)

    One last thing, the estimated transfer time is around 42 hours at 2mb/s :open_mouth: (There's a lot of files!)

    Do you know of any way to increase this speed or is it dependent on my network/OS/machine speed?
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    If its lots of smaller files it can slow down the transfer as its lots of stop / start, If there are a lot in a folder, try adding them to a zip (Highlight all the ones you need, Right click, send to compressed zipped folder) and copying that across, it may be faster.

    Also using an ethernet cable rather than wifi from the windows 7 box may make it a bit speedier :), im guesing it will have a older wifi chip in it
  • assb160
    assb160 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have just bought one of these and read this thread in an attempt to work out how they work.
    All you seem to have done is explain how to transfer files over the network.
    Does this device actually do anything?
    I can put a small file on one end but it does not get seen by the other end.
    Is it just a small USB stick with an extra wire for show?
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer
    Those cables were designed to be used to transfer files between two computer when upgrading from Windows XP to Windows Vista. They also were supported for Vista to 7 IIRC. Past those years various manufacturers sold cables with software for doing close to the same thing, but mostly just for copying data over, not the applications themselves. There are a couple of software packages that will transfer some apps, I have used Laplink PCmover to do that a couple of times now and it has been able to move most of my apps over. I have had to reinstall only a few that way. The cables aren't magic, without the software they don't do much...
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.