Acer Nitro N50-600 restarts itself randomly.

TheGamersHardwareYT Member Posts: 2 New User
When doing gaming my computer tends to restart itself, I could be doing something light like Roblox, or I could be doing something more intense like Space Engineers, sometimes just browsing the web will cause it to restart. I got it a few months back (in November) and it was doing this right out of the box. I initially thought it was a problem with running out of RAM as it only came with 1 8GB stick, but that would only cause it slow down, not make it restart. Is anyone else having a similar issue? I looked around and didn't see anyone else having this problem.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer
    Yeah, not normal at all. Do you see errors like a BSOD? Does it seem to do a normal shutdown like it would if you asked it to, just without you asking, or does it just turn off instead?
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  • TheGamersHardwareYT
    TheGamersHardwareYT Member Posts: 2 New User
    It just shuts off, no blue screen no nothing. It'll freeze and the audio will glitch out but that's it. It just turns off, and goes to the boot-up screen after a bit.
  • Williametura
    Williametura Member Posts: 1 New User

    I have the same problem with my acer nitro n50 - 600 and i don't know how to fix it.

  • Wolfaxcilco
    Wolfaxcilco Member Posts: 4 New User

    Hey, finally i actually come to this discussion, well i’ve had the problem for some years and i just lived with it i guess i was being patient for it too work after crashing, restarting or whatever after like 200 times, now i’ve had multiple problems tho, when i use a DisplayPort cable i can’t Enter bios or see blue screen, hdmi cable lets me use bios and let me see the blue screen when my pc crashes like that, so the problems i’ve gotten is:

    Crashing suddenly and turning off
    diffrent things happend almost each time this happens like: sometimes screen turn off completely, sometimes it alt tab and freeze game and 1 sec after my mouse as well ( Its completely frozen ) and then i have to restart it ( hold on the power button for some seconds to turn it off and try again, sometimes it turns of it self and sometimes i have to, sometimes after it has crashed without me doing anything : it crashes and starts this starting cycle trying to start the fan But it fails or something, i do not know what is causing the problem, though i know i have never cleaned my pc from dust but i doubt thats the problem, though i know resetting windows helps ( deleting everything )

    Get a usb with windows 10 or on it or whatever you want and delete everything on the harddrives, choose station and reinstall, this helps it crashing less often for a little while, very annoying tho when you have to reinstall everything, the longer you don’t do this the Worse it seems to get, now i haven’t done it in over a year and the last time i could get my pc on is almost 2 weeks, Its been on in this trying to start cycle in over a 100 hours now, i just held the power button off now and tried again and now Its been another 30 hours and not even 1 success turning it on idk How bad it can get for others but i wish you won’t experience this because i can’t even start my pc to reinstall windows and no matter How light or hard the things Im doing is it will always just crash randomly, i’ve tried many other things but it doesn’t work, Acer give me a refund from this torture i don’t have enough money to get anything else so i’ll have to live with this until i get success.

  • Wolfaxcilco
    Wolfaxcilco Member Posts: 4 New User

    it seems like the ram is the problem yeah but Im sure Its not the amount, Im not sure What it is, however this is What i suspect:

    the pc doesn’t like being too warm or too cold, 65-75° celsius should be perfect, however my average is 86° celsius, to the point tho:

    If Its too warm or too cold it crashes, and i think that makes it delete some system32 files which is why i starts doing the cycle which does the files worse each month, this is a guess But I’m not sure, tho tell me do your pc also get worse over time with this problem, reinstall your pc Windows to try and fix it a little, ( usb stick and delete absolutely everything )

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,630 Trailblazer

    When you don't get a message and there are no Event View logs related to a restart or Problem Reports in Reliability History you probably have Power interruption issues, Check the condition of your battery in Battery Report, check the power adapter DC barrel plug if it fits properly in the laptop slot, can you feel a click when fully inserting the plug, Insert the 3 pin AC power plug directly in a wall socket without extension cords. If this restarting continues bring the laptop to Acer Services in your country to check the cable connections inside the laptop.