What are the maximum upgrades that I can do? Nitro 5 (AN515-52-74P5)

Sohaib23 Member Posts: 2 New User
Hello everyone,

I got an Acer Nitro 5 2 years ago and I want to upgrade it to the max.

Processor - i7-8750H
Graphic Card - GeForce® GTX 1050
Memory - 16GB DDR4
Storage - 128GB SDD + HDD - 1TB

My mainly use it for Design Software for Architects and Abode Photoshop.

I have used the laptop for 2 years, and it's work perfectly, but I want to upgrade the laptop to use it for a big project that needs a powerful laptop.

Many thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

Best Answer


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓
    the laptop supports upto max 32GB of ram at 2666 :)
  • Sohaib23
    Sohaib23 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Leostat said:
    the laptop supports upto max 32GB of ram at 2666 :)

    Thanks for answering 
    What will happen if I update to 32GB?
    Do you recommend any brand?
  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited January 2021
    More memory means its able to keep stuff open without having to "swap" to disk,  you will only see a performance gain if you are allready using all 16Gigs of ram (check task manager when its loaded up). 32 is above what most normal users need but running the architechure software you may see a boost.

    brand wise i dont really recomend any over another, If you check out user benchmark (https://www.userbenchmark.com/System/Acer-Nitro-AN515-52/83703) you can browse the memory scores to see whats best, but to be honest most modern ram running at the top speed will be about the same :). for example this user gets one of the highest scores (https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/26769244) using Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB