black screen of death aspire 5336 pls help!

us3runkn0wn Member Posts: 1 New User
Hi guy's I'm new here, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions whatsoever about the following issue I encountered...
The other day I was downloading something to do with whine32 on linux on my acer aspire 5336 and the next thing I know, it doesn't load the os anymore. Just goes to the acer logo and stays stuck at the black screen with cursor. So I tried soft reboot / hard reboot but no luck. Then I re flashed my linux os and it went a bit further this time all the way to loading screen then a lot of mentioning how it's unable to load or find buffer something. I tried re flashing win10 I tried debian + bios. Im guessing it has something to do with the bios corrupted maybe? I downloaded a bios update from acer but could not find an explanation on the internet how to flash a zip file onto my laptop using my Android phone. I'm sure the laptop is not at fault, it's my lack of understanding but could someone please enlighten me?  Maybe a bios repair tool I'm unaware of or a way to reinstall a new bios or fix a corrupted one? Thank you very much in advance!