Acer E5-731 can't handle windows 10 - shuts down immediately!

taylan21 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
My Acer shuts down immediately once anything win10-related pops up after booting up.

The internal batterypack was dead long time ago which is why I had removed it months ago and threw it away.
I don't have it anymore and I won't buy a new one so please don't ask.

Ever since then I only ran the laptop plugged in to the outlet - had no problems whatsoever, everything worked just fine.

Until today. When it boots up, windows 10 pops up - and nothing - it immediately shuts down before windows could even load.
So I thought might be the OS. I went to bios and stayed there for 2 HOURS to test if it would shut down too BUT NO, it didn't shut down.
So 2hours later I carry on and boot from an bootable device the newest windows 10 image.
To my suprise, I could finish the installation process without it suddenly shutting down.

I thought that must be it, haven't gotten a crash so far. So when my laptop restarts after the installation sadly the problem still existed.
It CRASHED immediately as soon as win10 popped up.
I also tried windows 7 and windows 8 but all make my laptop behave the same way: SHUTS DOWN immediately once WIndows logo or loading icon pops up after booting up.

I tried startup repair, recovery, tried different HDDs, replaced RAM-Memory, replaced AC but nothing helped - probably not even hardware related.

Please don't copy paste default instructions - I CAN'T GET TO MY DESKTOP - IT CRASHES way before the sign in screen.
So don't even bother posting step-by-step instructions you got from the internet on where to click - there is nothing to click.Please.
Windows needs to load for that, but it won't even load - it crashes immediately!

What now?


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Boot from the Win10 USB installation stick. Go to the advanced section command prompt. Run chkdsk /f  on the HDD. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • taylan21
    taylan21 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    edited December 2020
    JackE said:
    Boot from the Win10 USB installation stick. Go to the advanced section command prompt. Run chkdsk /f  on the HDD. Jack E/NJ
    Hello Jack,

    thanks for your guess. Sadly it did not solve it. Any more guesses? It did not shutdown in the command prompt. Only does when Windows is booting. I even went as far as deleting and recreating the partitions fresh on the hdd. :(

    Maybe it actually is more of a hardware problem? If I only knew where to begin.

    Thanks Jack, much appreciated.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    You have to enter 'exit' at the X : \ > command prompt to return to the installation USB GUI. What was the output message of chkdsk /f command on the HDD? It's not supposed to solve the problem but give a message as to the disk status and what it tried to fix. From this, we can determine what is happening with the HDD. Jack E/NJ .

    Jack E/NJ

  • taylan21
    taylan21 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    edited December 2020
    I didn't pay attention to the final message, just went for a restart once it finished. I will gladly redo it and report back. 

    I noticed something else. In bios->security it reads HDD0 Password: Frozen. It's greyed out, couldn't clear it. Would you suggest looking into this and if so how?Thanks once again Jack.

    EDIT: Nevermind it magically cleared itself after a few restarts. I will let you know what the chkdsk /f message will read.
  • taylan21
    taylan21 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    edited December 2020
    JackE said:
    You have to enter 'exit' at the X : \ > command prompt to return to the installation USB GUI. What was the output message of chkdsk /f command on the HDD? It's not supposed to solve the problem but give a message as to the disk status and what it tried to fix. From this, we can determine what is happening with the HDD. Jack E/NJ .
    Done. I recreated partition, reinstalled Windows and went for chkdsks /f.

    It found and fixed problems:
    Stage 1-4 were ok.

    Stage 5:
    -1 corrupt Cluster.
    -found free space in MTF-Bitmap (Master File Table)
    487256991 KB total disk space
    12695388 KB in 68739 files
    59242 KB in 25128 indexes
    4 KB in bad sectors
    183851 KB in use by the system
    65536 KB occupied by the log file
    474318516 KB available on disk

    4096 bytes in each allocation
    121814247 total allocation units on disk
    118579629 allocation units on disk

    Chkdsk failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 6.
    Hope this will shed more light on my problem.
    Also exited and restarted, still same situation as before like you predicted: shuts down at the exact same spot ( at 5:53 min is where it always shuts down right before "after a moment..." disappears.)

    Thanks Jack.
  • taylan21
    taylan21 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    5:43 not 5:53
  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,422 Trailblazer
    edited December 2020
    taylan21 said:
    5:43 not 5:53

    Look, you are giving us allot of instruction of what not to instruct you on! Listen, as you have taken out the battery and you have run this laptop on the PS/charger only (for how long? I don't know which is not ideal or good) there must be an issue(s) with either your PS/charger supply of your E5-731 under load, which makes it cut out, Check that first, get a new PS/charger (or try another PS/Charger) and also buy a new battery and try the PS/charger and battery together, as its meant to be OEM.

    Also, if there is nothing wrong with your cpu which the gpu is incorporated into, the ram and the hdd as you have said, then it must be a power related issues or your mainboard has major issues or its faulty? This is very hard to advise you on a community without doing certain tests and/or seeing your system operate physically. 

  • taylan21
    taylan21 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    edited December 2020
    StevenGen said:
    taylan21 said:
    5:43 not 5:53

    Look, you are giving us allot of instruction of what not to instruct you on! Listen, as you have taken out the battery and you have run this laptop on the PS/charger only (for how long? I don't know which is not ideal or good) there must be an issue(s) with either your PS/charger supply of your E5-731 under load, which makes it cut out, Check that first, get a new PS/charger (or try another PS/Charger) and also buy a new battery and try the PS/charger and battery together, as its meant to be OEM.

    Also, if there is nothing wrong with your cpu which the gpu is incorporated into, the ram and the hdd as you have said, then it must be a power related issues or your mainboard has major issues or its faulty? This is very hard to advise you on a community without doing certain tests and/or seeing your system operate physically. 

    Hallo Steve,

    That's a good idea with the ps/charger possibly having an issue. I ordered a new battery back, will have to wait and see.

    I think I also found a problem with the fan. It's not spinning at all. I flicked witih my fingers to make sure the blades are not blocked by any dust and it rotated just fine. The fan is seated right too. I have checked the cables, seems ok. Not sure if it is supposed to spin while booting up but that's as far as I can go without having a shutdown. If it is supposed to spin that might very well be the problem. It's not spinning at all. Not even when I reinstall windows or when I hangout in bios. Any suggestions regarding this?
  • taylan21
    taylan21 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    My bad it actually does spin but only at the beginning when I press the power button and only for max.3-4 seconds.weird.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    >>>I also tried windows 7 and windows 8 but all make my laptop behave the same way: SHUTS DOWN immediately once WIndows logo or loading icon pops up after booting up.

    Since the failure is happening at the same point, I think the bad sectors on the HDD are where the partition table info is usually stored. Since you also tried Win7, did you ever change back to a UEFI bootstrap from legacy BIOS and GPT partitioning from MBR partitioning? GPT is more forgiving of bad sectors up to a point. Your HDD may be irreparable. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ