Laptop randomly rebooting whether actively using it or not. Predator Helios 300, PH315-52-78VL

caracarn Member Posts: 3 New User
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hey all. I have a Predator Helios 300, PH315-52-78VL, and since I bought it I've had a problem with random reboots. It will reboot when I'm using it as well as when it's idle. The other day it had been idle on my desk for over 24 hours, should've been asleep but I don't know for certain, and it suddenly rebooted. Less than 15 minutes later it did it again, but has now run for over a week with no problems. I've had it run successfully for over three weeks before without a reboot. It's not overheating and nothing appears in the Windows Event Viewer, no blue screen either. It acts like it just momentarily loses power, and I haven't found a way to reproduce the problem. I have run memtest on the machine and the RAM checks out fine. I do have it dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows 10 and I don't recall this ever happening while in Linux, but that doesn't really tell me a whole lot since I can't reproduce the problem at will. My next thought, although I doubt it's a software issue, is to perform a fresh install of Windows. Does anybody have any other ideas of what the problem could be or ways I can troubleshoot?

Thanks for whatever help you can provide!!


  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,874 Pathfinder
    Try checking your drivers.. it could be that some driver of one or more component on your motherboard could be doing this.
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  • caracarn
    caracarn Member Posts: 3 New User
    @sri369, do you think driver issues would cause a reboot without any trace in Event Viewer? Not saying I disagree, I just never really went that direction because I assumed a driver crash would leave a trace in a log somewhere. I'd actually be really happy if it was a driver and I could update them and fix the problem.

    I was also doing some more "research" on what could be the cause and found that Kaspersky Anti-Virus is known to cause random reboots. IDK if that is my problem, but I did have Kaspersky installed. I think it came pre-installed on the laptop or possibly came bundled with something else, I was just too lazy to replace it before now. I'm not sure if Kaspersky is likely to leave no trace in the logs either, but I've removed it and will start looking into my drivers now.

  • caracarn
    caracarn Member Posts: 3 New User
    I forgot to mention, mostly because it's been a while since I was actually sitting at the computer when it rebooted, but it does freeze for several seconds before it reboots. Everything stops responding and the current image stays on the screen for roughly 3 seconds before it all reboots. I'm working on updating drivers now. Just realized my BIOS version is still 1.02 so maybe something in a BIOS update will help......