getting slow my acer laptop aspire e15 E5-575G-5576

Gayan2000 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
yes , iwant to knowabout my pc going slow
my pc is acer aspire e15   E5-575G-5576
it has 8gb ram 940mx vga  
but still it is very slow i put windows reset all data but it is slow give me a solution 


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,422 Trailblazer
    edited December 2020
    Gayan2000 said:
    yes , iwant to knowabout my pc going slow
    my pc is acer aspire e15   E5-575G-5576
    it has 8gb ram 940mx vga  
    but still it is very slow i put windows reset all data but it is slow give me a solution 
    Do you have an SSD 2.5" SATA-3 or M.2 SATA/PCIe drive installed? Or are you running a spinner HDD? Tell us more, as using an SSD could improve your speeds considerably. If you have a spinner HDD then buy a new either 2.5" SATA-3 or M.2 SATA/PCIe SSD drive and clone your operating system to the new drive, also, make sure that after you have cloned your old drive to the new SSD, take out the old drive before booting with your new SSD cloned drive, as that will improve your speeds considerably and by up to 100%.
    • Also make sure that your NVIDIA GeForce MX940 driver is up to date with the latest driver, which is the Version: 460.79 WHQL, Release Date: 2020.12.9, Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit from here: NVIDIA DRIVERS GeForce Game Ready Driver WHQL
    • You can also increase your ram to a max of 32GB see here: Memory RAM & SSD Upgrades | acer | aspire e5 | Aspire E5-575G | see all the compatible ram and ssd's that your Aspire E15 E5-575G-5576 can have and if your Aspire E15 E5-575G-5576 can also take M.2 PCIe SSD as you have to check that out physically yourself as this Crucial guide does say that it can take an M.2 but does not give reference to a M.2 SSD. 

    • Also make sure that you do a disk "Clean Out" through and going to This PC > boot drive (C) right click > Properties > Disk Cleanup > "Cleanup disk" and "Cleanup system files" as there are allot of unneeded files that can be deleted that are slowing your disk up. 
    • Also and after cloning and installing the new SSD use the Win-10 "TRIM" command (see the web of how to enable this command within Win-10) to speed up your SSD even further and for the new SSD to work more efficiently within Win-10.