Different size rams in 'dual channel' mode? Acer Nitro 5 AN515-42

amoleb1982 Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-42 owner here.
I have one 16gb and one 8gb ram so a total of 24gb rams installed on my system. System came with 8gb ram inbuilt, while I purchased another 16gb stick from amazon 4 months back.
My system has been running excellet for the past 4 months on these two sticks. No issues whatsoever. Performance of these two together has been way way better than on the single channel 8gb ram.
CPUz also shows both rams running in 'dual channel'.
Task manager also shows rams running good at 2400mhz.
The reason I am saying all this is that I have seen many posts by many so called 'experts' here in this forum who very much confidently say that different size rams will not work in 'dual channel' mode, some even said that they won't even work altogether and they will cause huge problems and what not.
Then how come my rams are working perfectly and also on 'dual channel' mode? or am I seeing anything wrong?
Or is it so that thsse people on forums here are having their misconceptions and blindly spreading wrong info, which is a very very serious concern.
I have found so many articles on other tech channels debunking the misconceptions of rams and below is one of the many.
However I can still be wrong and stand to be corrected if that is the case, so I want someone to point me to a reliable source of info to prove the above is wrong and that my rams are not running properly and not on 'dual channel' mode. Or can suggest me any other programs/softwares to indicate that?
Don't give me single line answers like "dude your rams will not work in dual channel mode" without giving me a proper source of info.
Sorry if I sound rude, but some so called 'experts' blindly spreading wrong info just because they 'believe' in something really pisses me off. And not just regarding rams, there are occassionally wrong info given on various other topics too, which is kinda sad.
However whenever there is any topic here regarding different rams, I have seen exact similar responses only.
Looking forward for some valid arguments and some healthy debates over this.


  • laurent_14
    This is not a mistake from the ACE members (experts) because the official documentation only states these combinations:
    Your memory modules certainly work in flex mode like the Intel processors. .... so thank you for your feedback ;)